We already get a decent amount of c&c in the review room, but the more the better. What if every member had a little something like this in their sig? Did I just review something of yours? Please check out one of my latest pieces! [link one] [link two] ... This at least ideally would encourage people to return the favor of being critiqued, it could encourage better reviews, and finally since its in the sig it'll be seen when not reviewing, bringing more traffic to the review room in general. Thoughts?
This is a fair idea that could work to increase review traffic. However, of course, as a whole we cannot insist on the placement of links in the signature. Members review for different reasons and as such many may not wish to advertise their own, old threads - if indeed they have any of their own at all. We like to keep reviews current, and whilst there is no harm whatsoever in reviewing old material (it's all valuable and appreciated practice), we wouldn's wish a continuous resurfacing of old material, which has been thoroughly dissected already. Members' efforts could be better targeted. Ultimately there is no harm in advertising your own on-site material in your signature, some people already do.
I wouldn't expect it to be forced, but it could be recommended to every member if it's a good idea. A mod could send a message to every member I believe... Also, since it's their sig they can and probably would update it. My brother goes to a GIMP forum, where in their sig they put their favorite and their most recent piece, updating it constantly. It may be a slight pain, but if it gets a person more critiques they're likely to do it. I really am looking for negatives to this idea though... there's always something.
If I'm honest I don't see the wholescale messaging of members with the idea, reasonable as it is. This is due to not wishing to spam hundreds of inactive members and the effort involved. Perhaps instead the idea could be put to Cogito for inclusion in his welcome pack to newcomers, if he approves. That way they would be presented with a choice on joining. He may conversely not agree that it would increase constructive feedback, traffic is one thing, constructive feedback another. It is similar in essence to the scheme one member has where entering Bring it on! in the signature, the member opens themselves to ruthless critique. Some members are sensitive with their pieces and some reviewers sensitive with their comments, this scheme encourages no holds to be barred. You may certain signatures with this message. You could further campaign your idea with a clarification in your signature as to your idea, as well as to your posts. That way, the more active you are in the reviee forums, the more your message will be seen. Kind regards and the best of luck. Note: This thread may benefit from being moved to the Reviewing Forum for maximum exposure.
I always look for their stories if I receive a constructive critique from someone. Sometimes people PM me or leave a VM asking for one. I had a line in my sig that stated I would review if asked, but it seemed like I only got PM's from people that were participating in the review room just enough to get by. I've been fortunate to have received plenty of thorough reviews on my work. This is probably because I do a lot of critiques myself. Getting your name out there on a lot of stories is good advertising imo. I wrote a FAQ that touches on this aspect. It's in my sig if you care to take a look. If I see someone doing tons of constructive critiques, I always look to see if they have anything posted. Whether they have reviewed mine or not. (Btw, I'm not insinuating you aren't LL, just voicing my opinion of the subject.)
sorry, but as i see it, we've enough trouble trying to get what we need to into our sigs, without having to do constant battle with that line limit, to add more! and such a 'standard' thing would very soon become 'invisible' imo, just as our regular sigs do, after being noticed the first few times... besides, it smacks too much of begging to be noticed, to me... and/or forcing everyone to march in lockstep... that's my 2 cents on it, anyway...
You have GOT to be kidding! As if I don't have enough to do without spamming everyone's PM box??? Sigs have limited space. Some members use them to point out items they want people to read or review. I use mine for a couple of (hopefully) useful links and a brief message or two.
I thought there's a 'mass message' option for mods... I've never modded a vbulletin board though, only a little invisionfree. You COULD allow more lines... maybe one more. Your links were very helpful for me
I don't see this as something that should get staff support. Just like the Bring it on! line in my sig and others, it's somthing that each member could consider individually, after having read this thread or from following your example. But pms and such seems a bit much. It's good that you are trying to encourage more critiques, though!
cog, COME BACK!!!... he was only kidding [i hope]! besides, isn't there some fine print in your contract that says you can't quit? ;-)
the one that pays you the big bucks for all the work you do here... [oh! no kiddin'? you're a volunteer?!?]
I havent been here even a month, and I'm really surprised by all the work you do here. Probably doesnt mean much as I've only a quick few lines here, but I sure do appreciate it! There should be Cogito Day, where everyone does things for you.
Yikes!! I'm honored, folks, really. For my part, I'm just trying to give back a little for all the great things I have learned from everyone here. Really, you people are what keeps me going. So if there's going to be any appreciation day, it has to be for all the people who make this forum what it is.
I have an idea to encourage posting reviews for other members. What if people who post reviews can give a link back to ONE of their works to be reviewed. And, I'm sure that people love that other people reviewed and would return the favor. That's hoping that everyone's nice. lol. That way, the more you review, the more people you have to check out your work. So, even if peole just reviews poems, they can give links back to short stories and vice versa. It would allow other writers to read other forms of medium. Mods or other people could do the policing to make sure no one cheats and put more than one review.
As an already overworked mod I can;t say I like this idea much. As it is, when I see such a link stuck into a review, the review itself is invariably just enough to justify the presence of the link. The idea is not just to encourage responses, it is to encourage thoughtful, constructive critiques. As it is, when someone writes a well thought out review, te recipient of the review will often go out of his or her way to reciprocate, without the reviewer having to advertise.
Maybe I'm being idealistic here, but I think that the more constructive and positive (while being honest, of course) reviews a person does, the more likely that person will be reciprocated; we've all got manners here, after all. And a good review makes everyone feel good, and it probably wont feel as 'good' if everyone feels obligated to review in order to get reviewed... I see we have a lot of reviewers here already, but perhaps a few more could be promoted or drafted or selected (insert word of your choice ) if there happens to be a lack of reviews. If people want to leave reviews in their signatures, I dont see why there'd be a problem, but I certainly dont see why it should be a requirement or even a mass suggestion. Some people probably dont want to share their work. Of course, the more critiques the more reenforcement and helpful tips the writer will receive, but if it's more critiques you're looking for, seek a reviewer, or just a friend you've made here; I've not been here more than a few weeks and feel like the few friends I've made would be more than happy to review a piece of mine if I asked. Besides, I think Cogito does a pretty good job of addressing the review system and its importance in the 'New Kid' forum when he greets newcomers. I dont see why any real change needs to be made. My Point: Both suggested ideas should definitely be kept in mind if the Review Room ever needs to be improved, but I think it's working quite well presently. Take a lesson from Michael Jackson ( ): If it aint broke, dont fix it.
I agree. We have a good system here and I see no reason to change anything. I wish new members would take more time to get acquainted with the site before jumping into the review room, but no one has any control over their actions until they've already made the mistake.