I really need your help. I wrote a short story for the first time in English. It must have made many many embarrassing mistakes which skipped my carfuly watching eyes. where do I turn to? I'm apprehencive about publishing it in the review rooms. any suggestions? tips? would I publish it and won't die? where's the right address? thanks, Hadass
I think if you tell people english is not your first language, they will be kind to you in the review room. You could send it to me in PM or email if you want and I'll try my best to fix any mistakes I catch. Oh and remember before posting something for review, you have to review two things for other people first.
Hi Vapor You are a good man I appreciate your help very very much. The story is about 2,500 words long and the file size is 19mb 'cause it containes pictures. If the story is too long or the file too heavy for you then let me know and I'll undersrand and won't send it. I also can take your advise and mention that English is not my first language at the review room. While I'm at it I'll search your text to review, I'll try my best. Thank you Vapor!
It's a good idea to use the Word spellcheck and maybe the grammar check as well, although of course Word can't recognise the difference between homophones (words which sound the same but have different meaning, e.g. sun / son). But it would pick up on things like your misspelling of 'contains'.
Mention that English isn't your first language. I did it on another writing forum once, although I can speak English fine. It gets fairer reviews
If you really don't want to post it in the review rooms, you can send to it to me and I'll give you corrections plus a line-by-line and overall review. xxx
And like "undersrand" I used the spelling check but noticed homophones like "worm" instead of "warm" and laughed at it, but these are dangerous ones.
thank you so much Lucy! you are a life saver. I'm too embarrassed to post it Gallowglass. Vapor also offered his help. I hope your inbox can handle that big file. (I'm impressed by your generosity, I really do)
a professional editor / writing consultant of many years' standing, i mentor new writers all over the world, to many of whom english is not their first language, so feel free to send me the piece, if you want a detailed critique and help getting it into marketable form, as well as help improving your english... love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com