Something utterly strange just happened, something I wish to know if others had experienced it before or something similar to it. I had just read the first 20 or so pages of Infinite Jest(something I hope will make more sense as I trek through it.) and I was sitting in front of my computer browsing other things for a bit afterward. I decided I was in the mood to write something, little idea what. I opened my word processor of choice(LibreOffice) and just started writing. I wrote a sort of commentary on "I think therefore I am" in a pace faster than I think I ever wrote before. I am not ready to say it was good but I think it was decent, for me at least. The strange part is that it completely enveloped my mind, not something that happens often. I simply wrote it and reading over it it almost feels distant and alien. Does this have a name? Is it common? Has David Foster Wallace taken control of my subconsciousness? Sorry if this is odd or even indecipherable I just wanted to know more about what happened. I almost wished it happened more often. Any responses are welcome, thank you.
I've heard it called 'automatic writing.' It's either accessing random thoughts or a demon, depends on what you believe. I think it's like shifting the gears in my truck. If I'm thinking of something else I shift so smooth it's uncanny. If I stop and think, off the throttle, on the clutch, move the stick, modulate the clutch and gas, then I drive like my Aunt Clara. On a bike it's no problem. So I have holes in my own theory.
I thought about that but looking back at what I wrote I don't really seem to have any personal connection to it, it is just some strange collection of sentences that is like a story that has no plot. It did seem automatic so I have no real idea what happened.
It happend to me once. Started writing and when i looked up it was 6 hours later. Its called automatic writing like explained above and can happen when you let your brain totally take over. What comes out from it might not make sence but it is maybe something you want out of your system so bad that this happend.
Yup, happens to me quite a bit, when I am writing a rant for my blog or a short story in which I know everything that's gonna happen but still feel feverish until I get it all out.
I'm not sure about entranced... but if I'm thinking hard enough about what I'm writing, my hands go on autopilot.
Too bad the curse of the flow is that you may never notice you are in it. I guess it is not too odd, thanks for the responses. I'm still trying to decide if this was good for my writing or not... hmm time should tell.