If I'm just staring off into space, watching the boob toob, listening to music... nobody wants anything to do with me. Sit down and open Word... Phone starts ringing off the hook, IM boxes popping up left and right, family in my face wanting to talk my ear off. Is this just me, or is anyone else seemingly cursed when it comes to writing time? It's almost like people have a sixth sense. "The author is trying to write... MUST BOTHER HIM TO EVERY EXTENT OF OUR ABILITIES!"
Not that much with writing, but every time I and KaTrian sit down to eat, just when we're taking the first bites, my mom always calls. And it's not like we have a fixed time when we eat; it varies a lot, and yet she somehow always manages to choose that exact moment to call. And never for any real reason either: "Just calling to say hi." "Yeah, okay, but we're eating, the food's getting col-" "Oh, but I was wondering, would you like some petunias for your porch, and then I thought I'd..." Ad infinitum.
Families in particular have this sixth sense to call just at the wrong moment. Teach your family to txt or email and mute your celly, that could help.
[MENTION=53403]KaTrian[/MENTION], aye. Alas, my family is painfully slow to learn this rule, but they're getting there. My dad and sister are pretty good already, but mom still insists on calling over texting for some reason. Oh well, at least they don't call while we're...
I take it you and your family all live in the same time zone? Well, there's 6 hours time difference between me and mine. And I can assure you, they DO call while we're...:redface
lol, actually I have to correct this; his mom has the uncanny ability call at the most inopportune moments, even then. Or when we're having a crisis on the road. Or when at a cash register. She's in the same time zone even! But it's okay, she's such a sweet person, can't hold grudge against her. Sometimes it would be nice to own a bunker though, the perfect writing shack...