Okay. So, I have a scene. I love the scene but I realized right now. I am not sure how to express something. I wonder what you guys would think. So the girl in this case is going though some emotional trauma. Come to think of it. That describes more than one character in my world. lol. Sorry moving on. So she is having a bad day and she unlocks the next section of her power. In a sense she just leveled up. To put it bluntly. It is more like she accepted part of herself which unlocked the spirtual energy that had been locked inside there. Point is. As suddenly as a brink her physical abilities sky rocket. To the point that she may have been well more than your average girl before but still within girl limits and now she can pick up cars. She could create pothole by stomping on the ground. She could run into a car and not only survive and be unharmed but actually stop it and force it to go backwards while it is still trying to go forward. Stuff like that. The question. Is how do you think it would feel? Not to do any of that but to be capible of it. Like if the ground would cave in to her foot at anytime she tried to do so. Do you think the ground would feel different? Would the air feel different? Do you think suddenly having that much power would feel good or feel like a drug? Thanks you for any and all imput.
Putting myself in your character's shoes, I could only guess that such sudden potential would be frightening and overwhelming. At first, anyway. Depending on her personality, the opportunity for complete destruction may corrupt her; she may use it to threaten, or enforce her place in the world -- or to gain authority. If she's a good guy, I sense an identity crisis brewing. Does she have a built-in instruction manual with her new powers, or is she discovering what she can do by sheer accident?
Honestly, I would be a little terrified that I could destroy property and cause an accident or hurt someone. There's having a new power and then there's having control of it.
Well there is one aspect of her shoes you missed. I suppose i didn't fully clarify this but trauma. So let clarify for this situation. A man is attacking her. A police officer is on the scene treating your family members wounds. The logic is this. If you lose, the cop has to stop treatment to fight and they die. In your frustation you tap into this power. As for instruction manuel. Yes and no. See, she has all of this powers standard. The difference is that when she unlocked this mode her boast went from 2x to 35x In theory controlling 2x is the same as 35x just more so.
Interesting question. If this happened to me I think it would go straight to my head like a drug. I would start to feel invincible and probably pick a fight with the next mean person I met just to teach them a lesson. But that's because of my particular personality and challenges - I often feel frustrated with myself for lacking the confidence or being too afraid to do what I want to do. Mixed in would be fear of accidentally hurting someone or destroying my house. Your character's reaction won't be the same as mine because she's a different person. She's already used to better-than-average powers so she probably wouldn't get as much of a confidence boost or as much fear as a normal person would.
My bad, you did mention that. Honestly it just depends on who your character is at her core. Is she a good witch, or a bad witch?
Well maybe I expressed the wrong words in my expression question which I consider a funny side note. I don't mean personality feeling. I mean 5 senses feeling. Like if she can rip a door of a car, would that door feel like puty? If she coulf crack the ground by clinching her toes would concrete feel like sand? That kind of stuff. Because I kind of suck at descriptive detail So I know when I reach that scene I will need some of it. I know this isn't real science. I just wonder what others speculate. The invicible one is good. That might be a good feeling inside for her.
I would think the ground would suddenly feel like sand and the car door would feel like a paper screen.
Can she be both? Well, in context I know how she will behave. I don't mean that. I am more curious if you have any thoughts of how the world would feel to her. Light if her stats are raised like this. Would she feel lighter? Stuff like that. lol. I mean she can pick up a car. Would her own body suddenly by contrast feel like nothing?
Of course she can. She's your character, it's your story. Go nuts. Drawing from my 6 years of playing World of Warcraft, I don't think the environment itself would feel any different. The air? No. Her own body? Ehh, probably not. The ground doesn't behave differently for me at level 100 as it did when I was level 80 -- but, that's not to say your character couldn't cause the ground to quake if she chose to. Raised stats means your enemies die faster. You have to hit them less, because you simply hit harder. Lower-level allies are easier to heal, because you heal harder. You are more potent than you were before... you're not heavier. I hope that's helpful? I dunno how far video game analogies will translate to literature...
When I had a very physical job I got a lot stronger. I was regularly lifting and carrying things weighting 70kg which is a lot for most people and beyond many. But my body didn't feel any different, only the objects. It felt more like lifting up a potted plant than lifting up a bag of concrete, whereas if I tried to lift 120kg it would feel like concrete. Walls didn't seem any less solid and the air didn't feel any lighter. So for everything she is doing I would just imagine how to make it easier and describe it like that. If she's lifting a bag of concrete, it feels like lifting a potted plant. If she's tearing off a car door, it feels like ripping off a sheet of paper. Lifting up a person is like lifting a stuffed toy or a rag doll.
That makes sense but in your case you gained the strength naturally. Her sudden increase would probably create a striking difference. Funny enough, she can enhance her perception of time this way. So lots of ideas to play with. By that I mean she can slow down the world around her. But it isn't the world that is slowing down but it just feels like it to her. Yeah but I think this is where videogam logic fails. I mean if she could crack the ground by stomping I imagine the ground would feel different even if she isn't stomping. If she can slap a car door and leave a hand print dent. Might it feel different even if she just gently touches it? I have to ask! See, this is like level 1 of 3 levels. So this effect happens a few times over the course of her story. When she reaches level 2. She has such much power that she can crush things with her will. Meaning she could look at a car and allow some of the force of her soul to strike it and well it would look like a trash compactor had done what she did to it. It becomes a problem for her because she is scard she will accidenly kill people. I hadnt written it yet but she does at one point accidently kill a bird. And even when she is in full control some of her friends can feel the gravity like pressure she exerts to the point that is causes there breathing to be labeled. I just suddenly curious what you rhink of all that?
Do you mean the texture? I really don't think the physical makeup of the object would have changed to her perception in any way -- she is simply now able to crumple things she couldn't crumple before.
Yeah that is true, it would still feel cold and flat I suppose. But it does seem that since it would crumple now and wouldn't before that would be a new feeling. I guess that is sort of like what Tend was saying. I figured more heads might have had more logical conclusions that just my head. Which seems to still be true. Even if those conclusions are I am over thinking it. lol
I don't think it'll feel different whether the improved strength is sudden or gradual but it's your story so it can however you like.
I imagine sensory changes would be profound under these circumstances. Standing, stabilizing, fidgeting, gesturing, speaking, blinking, breathing--these all involve muscles. A sudden grand-scale strength increase would most certainly affect all of them. This could be uncomfortable, like organs in free fall or a totally relaxed limb.
Would you mind going into more detail into how you think this would feel? To add context, it isn't just strength. Her bodies natural abilities are getting the increase, most likely in even levels towards each other. Meaning her body defensive abilities would increase. And even her perception of time would increase. Though that skill only works in bursts. Meaning to her she can at will slow how she interrupts time, so everything would go in slow motion. Yet she can only hold this perception for about a second at a time. But a second would seem much longer to her. lol
I mean, it's your call. In that moment, I found the idea of new physical abilities feeling like butterflies (do you know this expression?) interesting.
If I were in your characters shoes, and I had suddenly unlocked more power than I previously had... I'd imagine it to be euphoric. Suddenly, I have the power to crush bricks with two fingers, I can step just a little to heavily and crack the ground. It would be a lot to take in. Physically : I'd feel different in all ways. The way you see the world would change, because now a car coming at me wouldn't crush me. All I would have to do is put my hand out and the car would crumble on impact. More or less, right? Does this improved power give all of the characters senses a boost? Would she also be faster on her feet? More nimble? Eyes of an eagle? All these things would effect how the world around her is now viewed. It's like giving a color-blind person glasses that make them see the whole color spectrum. Overwhelming and amazing all at once. Mentally : Having that kind of power has to do something to someones psyche. We've all seen enough monster movies or super human type movies to understand the inner struggle they go through upon discovery of their new found powers. Will it be for good, or evil? Will she step to the "dark side" only to realize that she wants to use her powers for good? Emotionally : If i were suddenly able to lift my car over my head, spin it around and toss it like i can with a tiny hot wheels... I'd feel pretty confident. Probably to a point of feeling invincible, like no one can touch me. Which can be detrimental if not used with caution. Here's my input on a few descriptions (and I'm not that great at them either.. so take these with a grain of "newbie" salt) "As her powers increased, she could feel her world around her changing. Her strength had increased tenfold now. She could see with eagle like precision. Though her hands still looked normal, she could feel her new found strength racing through her bloodstream like a wild stallion released back into the wild. It was overwhelming, terrifying and exhilarating all rolled up together. She knew she would get stronger with time, but she had no idea that it would feel so different, yet so natural. This was a feeling she'd knew was inside her all along, a feeling of power. Now it was up to her to decide if this power would do good, or evil along her path. " blah blah blah word vomit.. but that's how I kinda see it? haha I'm sure you'll figure it all out and do a great job! Maybe we'll even get to read this at one point
I'd be a little scared of my own power. I'd be amazed, yes. But, I'd be worried about what I could do with that power. It depends on your characters personality. If she is normally compassionate and thoughtful, I think she'd be a bit afraid. If she was a character who took things in stride and was confident, I'd think she'd be eager to learn everything she can do. If she's a character who was often bullied or made to feel powerless, she may feel happy for vengeful purposes. Hope this helps!
Actually funny enough this premise exist to all character in my universe. Well except a few exceptions. The difference here is the level of the increase in this case. Thanks for the feedback. Also to answer your questions. Yes, speed and even perception of time can be increased this way. Also weight is still a think so a car might still run you down if you didn't catch it right but it wouldn't damage you. lol. Maybe one day you will see some of my work. If you do I hope you enjoy.
The first person that comes to mind when reading this thread... If your not a anime-fan like myself; this is Shizuo from Durarara!!! From what I can tell, your character gains her powers from stress, yes? You should do a quick bio check on this guy, and you'll have your answers. I grantee it~ x3
lol. Took a while to find much. Stress is kind of half the answer. Imagine in this case that the soul is real. Peoples souls are filled with energy that people can use. So peoples soul has a strength. A strength like a muscle can be increased. My girl here was born with a very strong soul. So in this case her emotional burst unleashed more of soul power. Saying it outloud I can see the comparison you were making. lol