Ever do a "Face-palm?" Where you see something and you're like, "Ugh, this fails so hard," and you find your palm meeting your face? Face-palm #1 Facebook update from a friend: I hope that worked.... Anyway, what made me facepalm is that, I will admit it, I tend to be a, "Grammar Nazi" so-to-speak.
That grammar is beyond painful. Right, my sister provides endless moments of hilarity. Recently, when asked who De Gaulle was the leader of in the Second World War, she responded 'China'. That's pretty mild by her standards. When reading this next one, bear in mind that she's going to study English Lit at uni this year. She was asked what Jane Austen was famous for. She responded with discovering gravity. Apparently she's a top-class student. She's been through the same primary school, secondary school and sixth-form college as me. Why do I know these basic things when she doesn't?
I was taking a Film Studies class and we had just finished watching Goodfellas (one of the best films I've ever seen, by the way) when one of my more ditzy classmates came out with this gem: In a room of second year film students. Also a notable case was a friend of mine, having only just heard of the Face-Palm, trying to use it in a conversation but decided to call it a "Palm-Hand". It's particularly funny that everyone else round the table screamed "FACE-PALM" back at her, while providing a visual demonstration of said act.
No offence to your sister Dante, but I was astonished by the number of f$&@ wits who managed to get into University on a raft of As. You could say that they were 'bright' in that they were able to apply themselves for exams. But, a lot of them were completely brain dead when it came to world historical events and politics. A friend of mine who got a competitive place at a reputable Edinburgh law firm, suddenly realised, in a moment of epiphany, that North is always at the top of the page on a map.....
You know what i love. Knowing well, that going into a thread called, "Face Palm moments" was going to bring some, Patrick Stewart, bald head loving. If i could only pass more pep around.
My sister is clueless, tbh. She's meant to be studying English Lit, and yet instantly rebuffs any attempt to get her to read for enjoyment. She's finished one book for enjoyment in a year, compared to about 80 for me - I'm a Law student, not a Lit student! As I keep pointing out to her when she tries to large it over me, I'd rather have a brain that comes in useful than exam results.
Face-palm moment... er... perhaps after watching the Last Airbender movie and I was like promoting it to my friends. But after seeing the movie, i was like... "WTF?" *slapping sound ensues*
One of my coworkers and I were having a conversation about Buffalo Wings. I think a bunch of people were talking about getting some for lunch. Anyway I told her something along the lines of, "Most times they aren't any good outside of Buffalo." A light bulb went off in her head and she said, "So that's why they're called Buffalo Wings!" ... Facepalm!
I was in the Miami airport, and I overhead a guy (obviously American) say this on his cell phone: "Is Miami in America, honey? For a Latin American country, I expected there to be more Mexicans." FAIL. I palmfaced on the spot. Always be aware of what country you are flying in.
Yikes! Somebody needed to come and take him back to the home. It's amazing that they let him use a cell phone. But maybe that's part of the therapy ...
I was playing Sims 2, and one of my sims was making a toaster pastry. It caught on fire, and I forgot to install a fire alarm before this. What song was playing? The Kill. /ironic-facepalm
Happened a few years ago. My teacher (who also works with blind students part time in another class) showed us a video about one of her blind students and this woman in the video says the following, "Blindness is the next feared disease compared to AIDS and cancer." Yes, this woman said it. On a video. That was posted on a news site. And she said that blindness was just as bad as AIDS and cancer. I think my desk had a very big head-sized hole that day... I mean, where do I even start? I weep for the news sometime.
... Blindness is a disease? I don't even think it can be classified as such! A condition, a system, yes, but a disease? Sounds like calling a broken arm a disease. I guess I missed the point of comparing it to AIDS and cancer as I was immediately thrown off by the word "disease" =P
One of the television network morning news programs has an author on, who has three hours to write of a crime short story involving the hosts. GTFO, WHY!! Has the news got this low?
I was talking to one of my friends (A really sweet and usually extremely intellegent girl) about wanting to learn to read Braille (Because I'm about to catch that blind disease ) and she looks at me and goes, "Why don't you just learn sign language instead? It's way easier than Braille." and I just kinda stared at her and face-palmed and went, "Jordyn. . ." and she goes, "Ooooh! Right right, sight, yes. Nevermind." I love her, I really do.
Talking about braille, does anyone else face-palm when they see braille on the panels of drive through banks?
Yeah. I mean, seriously, do they not know what a blind person is? It's almost like they said: "Hey, we need to put in Braille to be fair to folks, so we'll put 'em in a panel in the drive through bank!!"
Facepalm moments happen for me every time I see a modern American trashy movie being totally repulsive towards dwarfs. It is intended to be utterly hilarious but the underlying message is "Look, look at the freaks, aren't they firkin' awesome, rofl!!" Tell me, what is the US obsession with dwarfs as performing monkeys? In most civilised countries they are regarded as human beings. My friend moved to the US two years ago and one of the first things she complained about was dwarfs as comedy pieces on television. My rant is over Date Movie, which I had the misfortune of stumbling upon this weekend. It featured a fat girl getting "pimped" like an MTV car, the implication being that she is so grotesque, that they have to put her on a table face down, letting her enormous stomach hang through an opening, under which there is a dwarf sucking out her fat with a giant needle. Utterly baffling.
I really wouldn't judge what is or isn't a "US obsession" based on movies like that. While they are created by people from the United States, I believe most of us see the trailers and roll our eyes.
I know what you mean Hidden, it's just that there's obviously a market for it (and the movies get shown here too). I think it's unfortunate that a whole bunch of morons will think it's okay to laugh at a dwarf because a mainstream movie makes it acceptable. Only a movie thatrepulsive could be made in the US. It seems like a trend.