Just out of curiousity, what do people think of when they hear the words 'fairy', 'elf', and 'fair folk'? There are so many different interpretations of them that I want to know what people think. I'll post my ideas for them tomorrow.
I always get the image of the 'Legend of Zelda' games or a cheap knock off of LOTR. I don't really like stories that contain fairies, elves, or fair folk, it just isn't my cup of tea.
When I think of fairies, elves or fairy folk I think of mystical creatures. Fairies are small and have small wings so that they can get around. They may or may not have magical powers but they are very smart and know how to get things done in ways that most people would not have even thought of. Elves i think of tall, slinder, light footed, and swift. They are very quick learners and skilled individuals
When I hear fairies I think of little small creatures flying around using magic, I think as elves as very noble tall, slim with light skin. Also, fair folk, I think of half lings
Thanks for the replies. Now for myself. Fairies: I think of fairies as spirits that like playing pranks, and are very chaotic. Usually with the wings and being tiny women. But they're not always nice. More like Tinker Bell from the book Peter Pan, very selfish and unthinking, but not really evil. Elves: I gotta go with the Tolkien-esque elves here. Better then humans, eternal or nearly so, you know the drill. Fair Folk: My imagination goes wild when I think of these guys. I like old myths and modern versions of them, so when I think of Fair folk I automatically imagine the wild, chaotic, and completely devoid of human emotions elves of the old myths. These are creatures that will kidnap you because they were bored and wanted someone to sing to them. Sure they'll give you gold in return, but when you get home you will crumble to dust as you've been gone from the real world for centuries. The fair folk just don't care. They are minor Gods with short attention spans, and we're the bugs they can play with.
Fairies - small winged people who are somewhat bug, moth, tree, or frog-like. Live in mounds and hills, are fond of singing and dancing and playing cruel but mostly harmless tricks on human folk. They don't like iron. They also ride corgis. Y'know traditional stuff. Elves: Basically Tolkien myth. Maybe Nordic elves. Fair Folk: I actually don't read that much fantasy (all too dull and pretty much Tolkien knock-offs nowadays) so I just picture tall, blonde, pale,normal people.
Tolkein chose the word "elves" to distinguish them from "elfs". His elves were derived from Nordic myths, whereas elfs were the concept of mischievous and silly "little people". I'm not sure I've ever seen any reference to pointed ears in Tolkein's writings, although it seems to have become part of the popular image of them. In some of Tolkein's earlier writing, elves were able to mingle with humans undetected. Tolkein elves considered themselves superior to humans, for the most part, but they were a race on the decline. They lived longer, and had keen eyesight and other strengths, but they were less vigorous, adaptable, and determined than humans, and could not multiply as quickly as they died or departed.
I think of elves in the standard Tolkien/D&D kind of way - as tall, slim, beautiful humanoids with pointed ears who live in peace and harmony with their natural surroundings and are wise. I think of fairies as tiny humanoids with wings (and maybe antennae) I think 'fair folk' is a good term for both elves and fairies. Most people probably think of those terms in those ways
Fair folk, I think of the Tuatha dea dennan. I think I spelt that wrong but it's the fair folk from Ireland. And then I think, don't go into that circle of toadstools! Fairies can be tricksters. You can go into a toadstool ring and have a fine time but when you leave, many years have past and you are old instead of young. Elfs/Elves, I think green tights and curled up green slippers, long hair and pointy ears. But here's the thing, you can make them into any image that you want to be.