Hi all, Just wanted to run my basic plot outline through the community. I will admit the time period was inspired indirectly by the setting of Assassins Creed. Basically the story follows the story of a fallen angel trying to earn God's grace and his place back in heaven. Ultimately he plays the role of renegade punisher and the left hand of god on earth. He is an assassin, tasked with watching over mankind and protecting them from the evil that he and his comrades brought when they was cast from heaven. The main character finds himself in Italy during the renaissance facing the first epic crime family the Borgia. Corrupted by the evil he brought upon the world, God tasks him with delivering them from their sins to earn his place amongst the angels once again. Any thoughts or ideas on the general plot? Obviously their is more to than that but just wanted to give u all an idea on where the story is heading. It isn't another Assassins Creed fan fiction, and so bears no resemblance to their characters, plot etc, in my eyes. So yeah any ideas are welcome, negative or Positive, but keep them constructive Many thanks Dan
A story concept means nothing. What matters is how you write it: the characterization, the flow, the imagery, all of it. There's absolutely no benefit in asking what other people think of the concept! They'll either say,"Sounds great," or, "it sounds like a ripoff of..." If the idea stirs you, write it. Then ask people what they think of the final story. After they tell you what they don't like about it, revise it, usually several times, until you're happy with it or until you throw up your hands and say the hell with it. Please read What is Plot Creation and Development? By rights, this thread should be deleted. You are posting writing for comment outside the Writing Workshop, which technically violates the site rules.
Thanks for contributing and your link really helped. What my thread was posing was a chance for brainstorming and a review on it's readability. I have already started writing it, but I don't want to spend months on this story to find out it's to linear or basic.
You could write a story about going down the sidewalk to your mailbox, or walking down the street, twiddling your thumbs. How interesting the story is depends on your skill in telling it, not the choice of subject matter. I have written both examples as short stories to make the point. If the story falls flat, don't blame the concept. Rework the story, learning from your writing mistakes the first time around.
The thread was more just an oppurtunity for me to get some feedback and opinions not on the plot in general but for linking it all into a story. I understand what you mean on the skills of my writing as a story teller depict what makes a good story.