Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had any advise about writing biographies for a family history project? Everything I write doesn't seem good enough, and ends up deleted! I want it to be interesting and entertaining, but every attempt so far sounds bland and boring!
Deleted by whom? Do you mean that you delete it yourself because you don't like how it reads? Or is someone else involved?
Well you cant really spice up a biography that much. Since its a biography and all you cant make things up. So I guess it all depends on how boring your family is, haha. If I was in your shoes I would write about all the funny and interesting things about my family that I could think of. Then go from there.
Haha, yeah we are a pretty boring lot! I guess if I find an interesting aspect about each person and concentrate on that. I keep asking myself, if someone future descendant reads this in a hundred years, what would they like to know? I hope I get some inspiration soon!