Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to examine this thread. I can't get a straight answer out of anything. Search engines, books I've looked into and so forth. I want to know if you can legally include famous places in your writing or novels you're trying to publish. Places like say Stonehenge, the Empire state building or, Yellowstone National park. I know many of these places are public but, I'd rather find a straight answer than use one of them and get kicked for it later. Just being careful. Thank you for any insight or answers into this, they're most appreciated.
Of course you can! You aren't taking anyone's copyrighted idea by doing that. I've relied heavily on my experiences around the world in my novel, though because it's on another planet I didn't need to use the actual locations. Yellowstone and Iceland come in handy.
Ah its really nice info to know. I was so nervous that I couldn't use real life places that it was stopping me from writing. Now that I know I can proceed. Thanks a bunch guys! Now for that contest.
Very little would be written, composed, filmed, if locations were avoided. Where would Dan Brown be without the Louvre, or a Bond film without the SIS (MI6) building, or Daphne du Maurier's Jamaica Inn (on Bodmin Moor), or Agatha Christie without the Orient Express?