Hi everyone, I was wondering if you would tell me some famous poems or poets that could be studied by early grade high school students. I need a couple of poems for an English assignment for my main characters. I researched the curriculum for the students but they’re not clear on the content. I just don’t want to select a poem that would be unlikely to be used in school. Sorry, poetry's not my thing but from my memory, when I was at school we studied Shakespeare, but, ahem, that was a long time ago. Thanks Edited because I can't remember the name of the peom.
Wilfred Owen, Siegfred Sassoon, Roger McGough, Michael Rosen, Edward Lear, Lewis Carroll, Robert Burns, Adrian Mitchell, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath. We also did Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe and Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter Scott Think they were the ones I did early on in High School. Do any grab you?
Thanks Elgaisma, I will look into those you mentioned today. I was already looking at Edgar Allen Poe 'A dream within a dream'. So now that you've mentioned it, i'll continue looking at his works. I really need something that is significant to the story, so i've got lots of reading to do. Hello poetry. Thanks
We had a poetry unit and read several different poets. Many of them I can't remember, but here are the ones I can: Robert Bly, ee cummings, Wilfred Owen, Robert Browning, and Robert Frost. I also remember that most (if not all) of the poetry we read was originally written in the English language.
I remember reading a lot of Seamus Heaney in high school. Or maybe I just remember it as lots because I liked it more. After reading a poem about a drowning kittens in English class, other poems start to seem a little dull.
Really depends on what you can talk to them about. With modern poetry then Shamus Heaney or Ted Hughs might be an idea. Free Verse, then something by Andrew Motion or Richard Tillingharst. 19th century poetry; Poe or Tennyson, or Rudyard Kipling might be good. They all have some pretty simple poems between them.