In the last week I've tried to break out of the forums in which I had become comfortable and I was flipping through some of the pieces posted in the Fan Fiction Forum. Not many posted works. I also noticed that there were not many reviews of the pieces that are posted there. Is there a forum-wide dislike for the idea of fan-fic? I have a piece of fan-fic I wrote within the Wraeththu world of Storm Constantine. She is a huge supporter of fan-fic written within the worlds she has created and even has a website devoted to it, not to mention having helped a number of new authors by actually publishing their Wraeththu fan-fic via her publishing venue Imanion Press. So what's up? What's the skinny?
Well, the fan fiction forum hasn't been there very long (a month or so?). I tend not to have much to say about fan fiction, because I usually don't know thw story universe it's based on. Also, admittedly, I'd rather focus on works that spring from the author's imagination, not built on someone else's foundation. I recognize the value of fan fiction in sparking an interest in writing, and providing training wheels, but it doesn't really appeal to me,
Ah... I was fooled by the dates on some of the posts. They must have been moved to the forum after its inception.
I think that with time, if there is activity in there, people will come. It's sort of like the lyrics section. There aren't a lot of reviewers in that section, compared to Poetry, but after time, it will get better if more are going in. So, in a sense, if you post up more works, critique others, and if they are good and look for a work to critique back, they might just check it out.
This is quite true, and somewhat part of the reason I asked. While Storm Constantine actively supports fan-fic based on her works, other authors jealously guard their franchises. I guess I was wondering if the Fan Fiction area was thought of as a no-no play place. fiction's fine as long as it is in my head being imagined...but when it gets down on paper...I don't really feel all that comfortable.
My reasoning is along the same lines as Cogito's. Fan-fiction often doesn't explore and explain the universe to the reader, as it isn't original. Therefore if I don't know the original, the fanfic makes very little sense to me.