I'm writing a fan fiction based on Pokemon, which takes place in a region based on southern Chautauqua County. In this story, the main character is attacked by a Lucario, after it was hit in the neck by a dart. Whatever was in the dart made the Lucario snap, knock its trainer to the ground, run off, and attack the main character. Now, I realize that this fan fiction is based on Pokemon, but I still like to add a little realism. So, what kind of injuries would a person sustain if a Lucario attacked them.
I know nothing about Pokemon, but based upon Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia a Lucario attack would likely result in: - bites to lower abdomen, legs, possibly hands and lower arms - blunt force trauma (bruising) from the blunt spikes on its hands and chest - electrical burns on the skin and eyes, perhaps heart failure, from explosive aura energy attack.
Thank you. This gives me something to go with for when the ambulance arrives at the hospital, and the medics brief the doctor. Also, I had heard that if a Lucario uses rock smash, you're pretty much screwed. I wasn't sure if it would just be blunt force trauma, or full puncture wounds, maybe some broken ribs.
I imagine the Trainer would get hurt very badly. If the Lucario shoots a punch at the trainer, it would feel like a rocket hitting your torso.
If I could figure out how to upload what I have so far, the foreword, 1 completed chapter, and a portion of the second, I'd like you to read it and give me some suggestions. When I tried before, I got an error that I couldn't upload a file with the format it was in. (.wps, .doc)
It'll have to be .txt. I don't know how to convert it to .PDF., and .doc isn't accepted. BTW, in the foreword, I mention a font I'm going to use in the finished version. Also, I'm trying to come up with a good name for this fan fiction.
If you PM'd each other (eg. "start a conversation") I'm sure you can upload attachments. What format though, I don't know. As for converting something to PDF. Here's how you do it. Download the software: Primo PDF (it's free) Install it Get into your Word file and click "Print". Now in the window where you adjust all your printing options etc, you can choose which printer you use to print your document. Click on the bar where you select printers Select Primo PDF Click "Print" Now it will be saved as a PDF