I haven't come up with a title yet, but I suppose I will leave that for a later date. The plot would be the main character is built on rage from the destruction of his home and/or people, and he wants revenge on the people responsible. I want the enemy to be within the family. Maybe a brother, sister, father, etc. Any ideas? For the prologue I though of maybe starting out later in the series kinda like Star Wars with the main character fully developed, but he then tells the story of how he got to where he is. I would say a long story or would flashbacks be better? "Damon Valmont" is the Main Character. His tall, thin-built, and young. He has kind, curious, good personality with a touch of darkness. Basically his calm, nice, but when ticked furious to the point of causing bodily harm to anyone around. He comes from a long line of Pyromancers (Which would explain his temper) or Wizards with the ability of controlling fire about all else, and that family like also happens to be royalty. His power comes from within himself, his sword, and a family heirloom. One of my biggest concerns with this story is how to start it off. Magic is one of the main focuses because this world is built upon it. Instead of everything being controlled by logic like our world. I want to bring in God and the Devil, but I want to use different names for them. Like in The Sword of Truth Series God is called the creator, and the Devil is the Keeper. I have many many more ideas, but what are some ideas you guys might have.
Soon, Cog will post his template saying that a story concept means nothing. It's how you write the story that matters. HOWEVER... At one point during my reading of your post, I suspected it for being a parody on previous posts of this kind. If every tired cliché of the fantasy genre could be summed up into three paragraphs, you did it. There's absolutely nothing in this story concept that hasn't been used and over-used to a point where an Egyptian mummy would look fresh and vibrant in comparison. I'm sorry, just being honest here -- it would take the greatest writer in the world to squeeze any more juice out of this dusty corpse.
I don't think that doing a revenge story is necessarily a bad thing...yes, it has been done a lot, but there are probably ways of telling it freshly. My advice is to spend some time brainstorming ideas for your world and characters that will make them unique. It's fantasy--there's lots of room for imagination, so you can come up with many interesting details that haven't been seen before. For example, why not come up with some original deities rather than using versions of God and the Devil? When I'm working on a new project, I spend a couple months just jotting down ideas before I start writing. I find that's when I'm most inventive...
While reading this, an idea came to me: what if the traditional values associated with God and the Devil were switched every now and then? Like a cycle. Let's say, three months God is kind and benevolent, and three months he's evil and wrathful. Likewise with the Devil. Just find a cool explanation for this in the in-world mythology. Maybe this has been done before, I dunno. And frankly, although I have heard that the whole "firemages = hot temper" thing is a huge cliché, I've read no work that uses this approach.
I like your plot. As long as you give it your own personal touch (which you will), the cliches won't matter much. But my opinion might be biased because I absolutely adore firemages. It's my favourite school of magic
I know that the plot has probably been done before or at least something of the sort. Although if Fantasy writing is all washed up then I'd have to say every other writing style would be to. Every subject has been written about, but what makes it different is the person writing it. Everyone is unique so in that their writing would be as well. Original Deities is an awesome idea which gives a story a more in depth story, but thats also a lot of extra work. The good thing about writing though is that you have as much time as you need. Indeed I intend to put my own personal touch as well as adding twists to the characters and the world. By that I want to add things that don't really effect the one book, but as the series goes on it reflects and makes a impact. So lets say this goes on to be a 3 book series. In the 3rd book something happens or is made known to the characters and makes the reader think wait that ties into what happened in book one and two that made no sense.