I'm have a little dilema involving the correct puntuation for "Father's Day". Before you start laughing, hear me out. Out of the three choices, I have two that I am stuck on. Father's Day Fathers' Day Now, which one would it be? Is it Father's Day because it is for your father, or is it Fathers' Day because the day is for fathers in general? So... which one is politically correct?
well, its not fathers day untill september here in australia. so i dont have to worry about the grammar untill then
In the end, we went with Father's Day. Looking around on the net showed that it is the most common version, and since it seems to be the "official" version, I might as well use it. I did learn that "Fathers' Day" was used in one of the first petitions Dodd gave in the states, but since it came from an unreliable source (Wikipedia) I can't give my word for it. Personally, I think Fathers' Day would be more gramatically correct, but I guess that might just be a matter of opinion. Cogito, you definitely deserve to be moderator. Your name is one of the few that I always see out there answering questions. I don't know if that helps any, but perhaps you need to know that you are still appreciated by a lot of people.