What canceled show or shows do you wish wasn't canceled? I gotta go with Veronica Mars, Angel, and Firefly
Enterprise - I know it got a lukewarm reception by Trek fans, but I really liked the show. I was also disappointed that Veronica Mars was cancelled. I was very sad to see Stargate SG-1 end, but I think they gave it a fine closure. Still, it was never quite the same without Richard Dean Anderson.
I don't know if any of you recall "Surface" or "Invasion" but they were decent shows. Not amazing, but they shouldn't have been canceled.
Yellow Thread Street Yellowthread Street is one of those poor man's attempt to bring the British version of "Black Rain" onto our TV screens.. Well basically it's all about these cops solving crimes in and around Hong Kong's mean streets.. It was worth the effort but I think the reason the ITV chiefs axed it because it wasn't really entertaining enough to say that it will make another series.. I remember the series quite well especially most of the stars.. Well, I don't know if Yellowthread Street will make it back to our screen as one those "classics". If it does, I'd probably see it again
I so loved that show. I bought the box sets. I just loved Rube and Mason. The show went real well with those charactors
Dead like me was a great show. I also loved "Carnivale" and it got canceled after only two seasons. "Drive" was a great show but Fox canceled it after just half a season
Clone High needs to come back. Same with The Weekenders. Annnnnddd no one else here will no what those are. >.>
Clone High, I don't know... but wasn't The Weekends some Saturday morning cartoon about friends finding stuff to do?
Yeah. Sounds kiddy, but actually one of the only cartoons that was worth watching... As for Clone High, look it up. You can find all 13 episodes on YouTube.
Arrested Devlopment. Seriously. An ambiguously gay David Cross, Henry Winkler, a lawyer named Bob Loblaw (just say it, it's great!), and Ron Howard narrating. Plus guest stars like Ben Stiller and Charlize Theron. How much better does it get? People of WritingForums.org, if you do nothing else before you die, watch at least one episode of Arrested Development. You owe it to yourself.
I don't watch much tv, but I always liked Joan of Arcadia. I think that's the only show I really liked that ended up being canceled. Oh yes, and Arrested Development, though I only really got into it after it was canceled. Oddly enough. I'm pretty embarrassed to admit i liked The Sausage Factory, and was sad to see it go..
Buffy the vampire slayer, but it went at eh right time, Angel which irritated me becasue it left at the begging of a massive fight and I want to know who survives, Joan of Arcadia was a good one, I liked it. Dead like me! We didn't get that on our normal channels where I live but I had heard of it and was excited when I spoted the dvd set of season one! I loved it. Death by a toilet seat. Classic. And I've been searchign for a season two but I think I might have to order it in. I like enterprise. I think. was that the one with Patrick Stewart? if it is, I liked it. Stargate rocked with Richard Dean Anderson but I didn't like it without him and that old general dude with the bald head. There might be a few more that I liked but I can't remember!
I was sad to see Buffy go off the air too, but it was a near-perfect finale. Enterprise was not the one with Patrick Stewart, that was Star Trej: The Next Genration. Enterprise was the newest series, set many years before the original Star Trek. It starred Scott Bakula as Captain Jonathan Archer
AAAAH! right. I know now. That one was good except we got that on the tv at like one in the morning. and it depended if footy or cricket or swimming was on. Really annoying. My mum liked that one too.
Arrested Developement. Seriously. That show was great stuff. And Dragon Ball. (The original, mind you). Jeez, those were some fun times watching that show. I liked Voyager. That's off-topic, but I wanted to say that =/
I loved "Dead Like Me" I bought both seasons. I wish there had been at least one more season of Firefly, that had a lot of potential. And I wish they hadn't cancelled a kids show called "Swat Kats". It only had 15 or so episodes, but it was one of the best shows on tv when I was 13 I think.
Yep thats the one. I couldn't remember what their names were. Edit: Just found out they actually had about 26 episodes. Still too short.
I was pretty young when I was watching all of those shows...kinda weird/sad that I remember them so well. No one else seems to remember all the shows that came on after Power Rangers (because, otherwise, no one would watch them), such as: VR Troopers, Mystic Knights of Tiranog, Beetle Borgs... eh
Firefly now the network cancelled that after 13 episodes and said it wasn't popular enough but to their surprise once cancelled the fans went mad and began a petition to bring it back to the screen. Unfortunately the network didn't want to be seen as to back down so Joss whedon went and found enough backing to do the film Serenity and conclude what he could from the series. Yet still leaving an opening for a sequel. Joss is still trying to get the renamed Firefly to Serenity a TV spot on one of the net works. I absolutely love that show I thought the characters worked so well together and i was gutted it was cancelled
I think Joss Whedon is cool as person. He has created my favorite tv shows which in turn inspired me to write. I liked firefly too but we didn't get to see much of it so I couldn't really watch it. But I now own Serenity which is cool. He has awsome sarcasm as well, oh and the writers that work with him of course!