Hey guys. I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about this new RPG, to see if you're interested. I used to Roleplay on the Eve Online forums, except we did it a little differently. Instead of writing separate stories, we made it a point to link ours together. A group of about 15 people who called themselves the Independent News Organization would highlight events in the story with detailed newspaper style reports, and photoshoped headliner images. The rest, and some of INO, would write the story, plan it, and discuss how best to proceed. Certainly we can't do that on the forum. But we can make it a point to include all of the characters in our narrative. There will be a great meeting of them, and they may not be on the same sides, so I want you to make them as interesting and as real as possible. The thread has some not so usual ideas. I'm sure you can come up with something better. I check this forum at work, so expect regular updates once we get a few characters. I'll also try and do pictures and encourage you guys with artistic abilities to do your own. Cheers. If you've got questions or need help with creating a character just post in here.
RPGs have sunk an all-time low. I love the RPGs but there are not many people volunteering for RPG. We need to let people know RPG is fun. Here people just do this infinity flowchart Review/Post for Review -> Review/Post for Review -> Review/Post for Review -> ../
Sounds excellent guys. Once a character or two is up I'll post a first chapter, which will give you a little more insight into the background of the game, then we'll see if anyone else wants to jump in. I'll try and give you some ideas too so you can add them to your own characters if you were in before that post.
Count me in...although if somebody could also point me in the direction of some rules that would be peachy
We're not so hardcore on the rules, but I'll try and keep it civilized. They're in the main thread here. https://www.writingforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115
Just wondering one thing here. Do you want us to write a short character profile thing first, as Nikhil has done? Or do you want us to write a psuedo-short story piece that semi-introduces our characters, which will build up later as the game progresses and our characters develop?
Either way is fine. Since Nikhil didn't provide much information, I'll have to fill some in. Was thinking a Ferry went down with his folks aboard, and now a kind family has taken him in. I don't know if he'd like that though. But a short story style piece would be an excellent way to introduce your guy without me tampering any, and, like you mentioned, it's a chance to get your own sub-plot begun before any of the heavy stuff hits.
I was hoping and figuring you'd lean towards that. I'll have a little something going here in a few hours, maybe tonight.
I'm in, if you'll have me. And dibs on the UFO nut character idea, if it's not already taken. At first I was just going to make an old hermit, but UFO nut is too good a concept to pass up.
I'd like to give this a try. Thanks, Evil Flamingo, for telling me that there were some non-fantasy RPGs. I hadn't given them a thorough look.
Ha. I just saw your post. Excellent, and the guy already seems a little creeped out. Since we've got so few players right now I'm going to change characters for awhile. I had planned to do this anyway. I would really love to get some more players. This isn't a fantasy based RPG, but I'm welcome to all elements of real life, especially those including the supernatural, though I'm not M Night Shamalamadingdong and the story isn't something he'd do, you could be. Hell, this is the internet, you really could be. What a twist.
Just post to join in? I'm thinking of taking my character from my own work and lifting him into here, 'cause it'd be educational and fun to see how his character develops in an entirely different setting.
Sorry it's been taking me so long. I promise to have my post up tonight. I was figuring out how to create the character I wanted based in the time period, and I think I've got it now.
Yup. The idea is we'll all start with a mix up of characters and they'll eventually be brought into one big story. With pictures If you've already got a guy, use him. This story is based in the "Wish You Were Here" universe, which is a fancy way of saying I'm using some of the plot and character archetypes from my own novel. So you're not alone. And Flamingo. Nonnie says she likes you. Post anytime you'll want. I'd love to hear what kind of stuff you're thinking about. Nikhil: If you want, you could continue with your character in the next post. I've set no time line in the plot, so feel free to move it about a few weeks or so.
Alright, I posted a profile of Matthew. Someone can write him in if they want; otherwise I'll write up a short chapter introducing him.
Nikhil, you're a more traditional RPG player. So post whatever you can come up with. You don't need a whole chapter, but write as much as you feel. And Jack, glad you're playing, always liked the stuff you post. I might write Matthew in tomorrow, but if I haven't posted then go ahead and feel free to continue the story. I've introduced a new character in the form of a diary vignette. He's currently faceless. Blast your mind missiles on him.
Didn't bother proofreading, so I won't vouch for quality. I may go back an edit later. Throw in more vernacular and accents and such.
Love that guy as well Dustin. Very slick (and oily?). Posted a small motivator to get things going again. Feel free to jump a day or two ahead of time if you post. I'll be making another post later today to give the story some easier accessibility. Also, I don't know about you, but I think Gregory might like the Sheriff and some of his "good old boys".