Hey, It is not about writing a book, but my question is related to writing so I decided to post it here. I have recently started writing a blog. I am a philosopher kind of guy and those "enlightenments" about life etc. keeps "occurring" to me. And I just realized that I want to share them, I want to express them. It was a pure need just to express it, not to keep it inside. And since I love writing it came to me that I shall start a blog and so I did. I do not share my blog with anybody, I do not even want anybody to read it. It is for my own purpose to express what I have got in my mind. At the beginning it felt kind of... as release. I felt "yes! it feels so good, finally!" But now I start feeling more... like empty. Empty because I dont keep that knowledge inside but I share it. It is very weird feeling. I feel as if LITERALLY THAT WISDOM WAS POURING OUT OF ME and I wasn't that... I do not even know what. As I said it is a very weird feeling, hard to explain. Before I post something in my blog it is sitting in me and I feel it is mine, I know it, thats my wisdom, I feel good. But now I noticed that the more I share the more empty I feel. This knowledge doesnt seem to be mine any more, as if it was sitting or hanging in exact space where my brain is but it is not mine. And before it was. Before it felt as if it was hanging there being attached to me, and now it is still there but a leash has been released. I am not sure how I feel about it. That is why I am writing here to ask you what the heck?!
It isn't an empty feeling - however my mind is at peace for a few days after finishing a first draft. I don't have the ideas whirling round and the pressure to write.
I feel empty and depressed when I write sometimes, but not from a journal, which I haven't done in years. When I start at my computer, opening word document, I feel that way. But once I start writing and the words flow, I feel like I have a companion, some one I could listen to. Now that might sound weird too. When I used to write poetry, I felt empty. So for me, I think it's what I write. If I were writing to myself in a blog, with no one to read it but me? I would feel empty too. Maybe you should write some thing else. Something you would want others to see. And like Elgaisma said, maybe accomplish a draft of something. Then you would feel different. I don't think you should dwell on it. If whatever you're doing makes you feel lost and empty inside, do something else...
I find the best way to stop thinking about an idea is to write it down. Once I do I start thinking about something else, and then I write it down. It's kind of like keeping your brain from repetitively going over the same thoughts. The the values and philosophies have any meaning to you they'll always be yours, and now you've 'freed your mind' so to speak your open to explore new ideas and values. Hope that helped. Keep on blogging
I may be a little crazy here, but in terms of finishing a draft I wouldn't say it's an empty feeling--more a bizarre emotional feeling. I'll get done with a fairly long short story or novella and kind of fall off my chair...literally.
Getting something out means you have processed it and you're able to move on to something new. It's a perfectly natural procedure, but if you're not used to it, it may feel a bit strange... My guess is if you keep doing it you'll become used to it, maybe even love it.
HorusEye makes a very valid point. That's one worth thinking about. You say that you don't let anyone read your blog, nor do you want to, and that's fine. That activity is also known as keeping a diary, or journal, something many folks do. But, if you aren't letting anyone else see it then you are not sharing it, so there's no reason to feel like the thoughts are not your's any longer.
Thanks for all of your answers !!!! You might be right. I totally feel the same way as you described in the first paragraph above. I feel this companion and words flow. And yes, I guess I had a need to write kind of journal. Or whatever else, just to share my enlightenments with... who knows who. And yes, I have already started writing a story. And this feels great, especially that other will read that as well once it gets finished. It is really very hard to explain this feeling of emptiness. Im wondering if anybody else is experiencing that. Its quite odd idea that once thought are written down... you feel as if you were losing part of yourself and becoming more empty with every thought you share... I hope you are right cuz I want to keep pouring out my thoughts out there...
Is it because you're so used to having these thoughts run around in your head all the time, you miss them when they're gone? People with anxiety sometimes experience an empty feeling when they finally get rid of their anxiety.
Are you on drugs? Nah, only joking. Can't say I have ever experienced, but I can understand how it might be happening to you. Very strange indeed tho, can't imagine what it feels like!