  1. Milamber

    Milamber New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    Byron Bay Ausrtalia

    Female character

    Discussion in 'Character Development' started by Milamber, Nov 3, 2007.

    Hi guys and gals. this is probably exactly the same as lily's male vs female character's threat. but i wanted a bit more direct help.

    Firstly, i'm a guy, i'm also 17 so i havnt realy had time to retire and devote myself to understanding the female mind. so i'm a bit clueless when it comes to making an interesting female character without her apearing empty. and empty is my biggest fear because the female in question is pivotal to the plot.

    I can get by well enough making random girls looking like actual girls but wen it comes to someone who is going to be there for the long haul, i dont think i can make her look real enough

    Ok so background. It's one of those fantasy/ tolkien alternate realities. There has to be the right amount of female discrimination for it to look like the midle ages, but have the men be smart enough to realise the value of the female mind.
    The character's called Dawn. she lives in this vilage in the midle of nowhere. Her father s fairly protective of her but that's about it on his list of things to add to the story.
    So halfway though the book and a whole lot of wandering across the countryside on some quest he is totaly failing at, the main character turns up in this village. it's one of those meant to be things where the both fall in love. and that is basicaly it. they are ment to fall in love. it's one of those wheel of time things, where the same thing plays out half a million times. if you put the main character in a jesus position, then she comes up in second place. not only because they're in love but also because she has some crazy powers and knowedge locked up in her head that is vital to the sucess of "Jesus's" quest.

    Ok so Dawn.
    She has to be girly and inocent-of-the-world enough so that she apeals to the clasic boy's fantasy. but still strong enough so that she actualy adds to the plot and isnt just a stupid doll who trails around behind him.

    I'm probably the most ignorant prsn around wen it comes to the female mind and i don't want what is probably my 2nd most important character to look hollow. Otherwise i might aswll put the story on a shelf before i totaly wreck it with hollowness.

    Any fantastic help would be great.
  2. Heather Louise

    Heather Louise Contributor Contributor

    Dec 10, 2006
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    well, Milamber, i might be able to help a little bit more here with the female than i could the male.

    you say you want her to be innocent and yet strong, which can be difficult to get the right amount of both. you could make her appearence very innocent looking, like big blue eyes and cute little freckles, and give her a quite voice thats quite sweet, but then she speaks her mind when it matters sort of thing. a good way to portray innocence is by how the look and speak. maybe she is very friendly, or especially shy, something like that. or perhaps she is very friendly towards aminals, and if "Jesus" maybe goes to hurt one or something, she kicks off with him, showing off her strong side of her.

    have you actually thought about what she will look like and dress like?? i know sometimes it is easy to dress your charectors how you like the look of, with little skirts and slutty tops, for example, but you have to keep in mnd what sort of charector they are. i mean, if she wears white flowing dresses and flowers in her hair then it gives the impression of innocence and obviosly being virginal. if she is wearing big thick eyeliner and cleavage showing tops then that gives the impression that she is a little harder perhaps.

    just make sure that she doesn't end up sinking into the background. for example, let little bits of her stongness come out. for example, if she wants to stay and camp somewhere for the night and "Jesus" doesn't, it is the perfect time to make her stand up a little bit, and letting ehr get her way so the reader can see she is maybe a little stronger than they thought. to make her seem stronger when she is fighting for something, maybe make her voice sound more powerful, or make her stand up, or she could even use her innocence as a charm almost. this is going to sound a little sexist but women can often use their sex appeal to get their way. do it innocently though, like fluttering her eyelashes or something like that. it all depens on what you want her to be portrayed as.

    anyways, i hope some of this helps and if you ever want me to look at anything about Dawn, or anything else, then just ask 'cos i'll be happy to help.
  3. Milamber

    Milamber New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Byron Bay Ausrtalia
    Thanks a lot. you were heeps of help
    so i'll be putting a lot of thought into body language and flowers in hair and stuff like that.
    i'm curently going back and edditing a lot so i dont have to face her for a litle while yet (fiew!) :)

    ps this forum is a lifesaver
  4. Heather Louise

    Heather Louise Contributor Contributor

    Dec 10, 2006
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    well i am glad i could help, and like i said before, if you want anything reading over or any other help then just send a PM my way and I'll help :)
  5. Milamber

    Milamber New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    Byron Bay Ausrtalia
    Thanks a bunch Heather. Wen i'm done with this edditting thing can i email you a copy or something? to read over. Ive given some to teachers at my school but most dont have time.
  6. Heather Louise

    Heather Louise Contributor Contributor

    Dec 10, 2006
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    aye, course you can. my Email can be found on my profile page, just send it along when you are ready and I'll see what i can do . :)
  7. Milamber

    Milamber New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Byron Bay Ausrtalia
    thnx :) It'll be a while cos i'm an imperfect perfectionist. But i'll send you a copy eventualy.

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