1. shaylyn

    shaylyn New Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Fiction Writers, share a bit?

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by shaylyn, Mar 1, 2012.

    I would love to hear a bit about what you guys are currently writing, or what types of stories you write.

    I always love almost writing myself into the book. Trying to think like the main character would. Right now I'm working on a story about a girl who is on the run from these two men that seem to be part of a bigger organization bent on destroying her and those like her. I haven't really decided what she is yet. I would rather not go the vampire or werewolf route :p maybe something more along the lines of being a mutant or something. It takes place around the Seattle area since I live near there. Anyway, that's really all I have right now.

    What's your style? If you are willing to share.
  2. Pchew

    Pchew Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Make her a zombie :eek:. Or a robot :D, or a zombie robot! :eek:. But that sounds pretty intense so far :)
  3. GaryMotana

    GaryMotana New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    New Jersey
    You should make her like you said a mutant, or a ghoul that was experimented on by said organization and she escaped which is why they are hunting her. It sounds good so far, best of luck to you.

    Me, I'm working on a crime fiction about a heroin trafficking operation in Jersey City that the police are investigating. Story shows the downfall of the organization, from multiple POVs.
  4. Unit7

    Unit7 Contributor Contributor

    Jun 13, 2009
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    I haven't started writing yet but my current obsession is day dreaming about this girl... uh... not that kind of day dream. Anyways the girl kills her father after he kills a bunch of important members within the mining town. She is caught standing over the bodies and is sentenced to death. She learns later that her father had this curse thats passed through death. If someone kills a person with the curse, they recieve it. This curse was ultimately why he ended up killing people(makes the curse go insane and go through fits of rage or something still working the kinks out)

    And some other stuff. Though for the past week or so I have been thinking about this. Plotting it, thinking of scenes between the MC and her mentor who was her fathers friend, some alchemist/mage guy. Her return home, her rescue from the gallows, and other stuff. And yet I have no name for this character. In fact the only name I have right now is for the Mentor/werewolf and I only have that because I liked the name Kodlak from the game Skyrim... lol

    I really should just start writing this and see where it takes me. But first I need a name and I really don't want to fall back on one I have used a hundred times already. :(
  5. Pchew

    Pchew Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    I always get stuck on names too! That's the hardest part for me XD, i always choose names like "Justin" and what not XP.
  6. Nakhti

    Nakhti Banned

    Feb 22, 2012
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    I'm still trying to plan out an historical novel set in ancient Athens - it will be about an hetaira* (ancient equivalent of a high class escort) who started out as a slave and was adopted by the most famous hetaira of the day and trained to become a courtesan. She ended up as one of the most sought after and highly paid courtesans in Athens, being paid to play hostess at parties attended by the likes of Socrates and Perikles, Aristophanes etc. She ends up having an affair with Alkibiades, the infamous young playboy and rising star of Athenian politics. Alkibiades wife threatens to divorce him for it, but he cannot afford to give her dowry back because he has spent it all on the hetaira! In the end Alkibiades' father in law (the richest man in Athens) pays her off to spare his daughter's pain and humiliation. The hetaira goes to Corinth and sets up her own brothel, but returns to Athens for the trial of her friend Socrates, and is arrested in connection with the charges and exiled to Thrace.

    There's some serious historical research to be done before I actually put pen to paper and write anything though... quite a daunting prospect, and I haven't even finished my current WIP yet!

    (* This hetaira is a fictional character)
  7. Tigershot

    Tigershot New Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    I have to say Nakhti, that sounds pretty incredible. It would be awesome to have your protagonist kind of entwined in some actual major historical event (I'm not sure if the trial of Socrates is something that actually happened or not - I'm not a real history buff), insofar as to give a different, really personal perspective on it. If she was someone that Socrates confided in and turned to, her (obviously fictional) perspective of the trial could be fascinating.
  8. James Berkley

    James Berkley Banned

    Oct 1, 2011
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    Could have it be a blood feud between the organization and a person’s decedents, including the girl.
    I am writing a military political science fiction story. The story involves soldiers and political figures from different factions inside a large multi-planet government.
  9. Pink-Angel-1992

    Pink-Angel-1992 Active Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    Pleny of ideas come and go from my mind, though some are related to others. Anyways, I have to basic ideas jotted to, an inital concept for them and one of them, I will be developing on soon! I also have another idea that is under development - so I'll have too on the go with an idea concept to develop when they are done.

    The idea that I've started to develop on is set on a fictional planet, so I've got that to create. It's set mainly on one of the Kingdoms on the planet and follows a group who've been set out to stop an evil from returning - this evil grews stronge by feeding upon anger and hatred and it's been doing that all the times its been seal, so it would be too strong to defeat . But there is a man that says he can defeat it if he had these ancent weapons that belonged to important figures of the past, so the group got roped into find it though rather reluctanly and they have doutbs about the man - they don't trust him, so go in order to find out what's up. The man that gets them on the quest doesn't join them, that what fills them with doubt of the man. I'm still far aways from starting this, as I'm still planning and I keep changing my mind.

    The one that I'm going to start planning soon is about a girl who'd just lost her closest friend and is depresed about it (he died in a horrible accident). However, she wouldn't have much time to grave, as she's pulled into another dymention, an alternat Earth fill with magic (or people with powers - haven't decided that yet). This world is mostly similar but there are clear differences; some place we have a missing and they have places that we don't. She meets people she knew in world but their not the same there, their personality is different; some also have different names and those that she knew to be dead are alive (like her friend, but he isn't who she knew) and vis versa. There is no way for her to get back to her own dymention, so she has to learn to love her new home.

    As I want to get a good feel of the world that I'm creating and then the characters, it'll be a while before I can start writing anything for it. With the other one, I just need to work out the differences and the power and then get to know my characters. I'm going to start planning the second one because I want to start writing my own story!
  10. Pchew

    Pchew Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    That sounds crazy James :eek:, in a good way :D. I wanna read that :). I might as well put what im writing :D. Since nobody commented on the topic i posted XD.

    I'm writing a story basically about a universe that is practically perfect. It's always sunny, the nights have a lot of stars, the grass is always green, etc. The people here have made Golems that do all of their work. After a weird red shooting star explodes in the horizon, the Golems disappear, and when they come back, their attacking people. Now, while the world is coming to an end, (Cities make war with one another, people kill each other, etc), the main character and some of his friends have to stop the golems and figure out what's going :).

    Edit: We posted at the same time Pink-Angel!
  11. Nakhti

    Nakhti Banned

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Thanks, Tiger :)

    There is plenty of major historical eventage going on in this period - it is when Athens was at war with Sparta, and Alkibiades was one of the most vocal participants in the assembly, eventually promoted to general. He led the Athenian naval expedition to Sicily, which was an unmitigated disaster and ultimately lost Athens the war. Alkibiades defected to Sparta but was thrown out of there too for sleeping with the king's wife! Anyway, there's tons of really juicy stuff going on in this period, and just about every famous poet, philosopher and statesman of Greek culture was present on the 5th century Athenian stage, so there are plenty of interesting characters to play with. For instance Aristophanes, the bawdy comic playwright - did you know he wrote a very naughty play about my hetaira, which was so filthy it was actually banned? Hehe

    And yes, Socrates really was tried - and executed - for corrupting the youth of Athens and bringing the gods into disrepute. The relationship between the hetaira, Alkibiades and Socrates is going to be one of the main themes of the novel - Socrates was Alkibiades' tutor, had even fought in battle with him and reportedly saved his life, and many said was also in love with him. Socrates was the only one that Alkibiades really respected or listened to, and the hetaira also sees him as a kind of father figure. So, bit of a love triangle going on there I think.
  12. topeka sal

    topeka sal New Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    Wow. So much imagination here. I'm afraid my ideas are all a bit humdrum, daily life kind of stuff. I admire people who work with such imaginative materials.
  13. Fifth Business

    Fifth Business Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    The Bermuda Triangle
    Yes, I am also horrible with names. I always choose either very simple ones like John or Tim or very unique names. I don't like using names of people I know, especially girls. I have to get over that.
  14. LordKyleOfEarth

    LordKyleOfEarth Contributor Contributor

    Feb 21, 2009
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    San Antonio, TX. USA
    I'm fixing to start on a new sci-fi story. It's yet another virus gone zombie outbreak drama, but I think I've got enough of a unique handle on this to keep it interesting...

    I did lots of head scratching to decide exactly what it is that makes zombies scary. Like, why is a slow rotting corpse more terrifying than a chainsaw wielding maniac?
  15. Fifth Business

    Fifth Business Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    The Bermuda Triangle
    There's only one Chainsaw wielding maniac but hundreds of zombies. It's almost like a claustrophobic fear in my opinion, being trapped and surrounded, no escape ANYWHERE.

    Not to mention, if I had to choose between being eaten alive, or having my head chainsawed off, I'd pick the former!

    I would love to read an excerpt from this though!
  16. minstrel

    minstrel Leader of the Insquirrelgency Supporter Contributor

    Jul 11, 2010
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    Near Sedro Woolley, Washington
    I'm working on a science fiction story about a group of scientists exploring a distant planet, and they begin falling victim to a mysterious and deadly illness. Not very original, I think, but I think the way my idea resolves is strong. Fingers crossed!
  17. Daniel_Allan

    Daniel_Allan New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Sydney, Australia, Australia
    Seattle? Perhaps she can be infected by Bruce Lee's spirit when visiting his grave.
    ...umm.... yeah.... Stephen King could make it work.
  18. Daniel_Allan

    Daniel_Allan New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Sydney, Australia, Australia
    Books i've written:

    Highden: historic fantasy - An ancient Arabic civilisation hold the secret to eternal life. Their origins relate to Abel, the first, and the mysterious band let my the man named Wahed: the man called One.

    Nooch of Urbia: Drama - The nexus of Sydney's drug-dealing is run by a group of 20 year old boys. One such boy struggles to penetrate the walls of his socioeconomic prison while the Bike Clubs move in.

    Boomsand: Fantasy - In a wild West world where gunpowder is exceptionally rare, Gunslingers are masters of the blade. What starts off as an inquiry into Ryan Desmond (a key resistance fighter in the Braddick Wars 8 years earlier) becomes a full blown quest for the secret of eternal youth.

    Wolf of The Wastelands: - Fantasy/Drama - Sunny Wolf and his "son" traverse the post-apocolyptic world. Whiteness Sunny's life through his constantly shifting yet rich relationship with the boy he one day calls, son, brother, greatest-pride.

    Golgotha: Thriller/??? - Kevin Ashmore is a selfish, rude, arrogant, racist bastard. He begins to dream that he is an ancient God who fights other Gods, Demons and creatures-unknown. Problem is: every night the dreams pick up where they left off. Eventually he stops sleeping and starts to see demons in the streets of (lower) New York. His body feels different... stronger... and then he is guided by a mysterious creature known as Druze. Druze seems like a normal old lady, but this is where his training begins. Real or not? (open ended, but my favourite. I might shop it around one day).

    Brow: Comedy - An American pretty-boy starts a new job at a barbershop. The barbershop partners decide to celebrate with a party. At this party they shave the main character's right eyebrow. This is a real-world setting, so when the pretty-boy suits up and vows to take the brow of his enemies, everyone is quite shocked at how far he takes it.

    The Masce Dominae of Melody Jenkins: Psycho/??? - A fist person confession of a middle-class teen. This person has a strong compulsion to hurt their little sister. Inventive ways of hiding such torture is harder to acheive over the years. It leads to self-mutilation, drugs, sexual depravity and death. Several people at my University didn't return my copy, nor did they ever look at me again. I tried to explain that I compiled the character out of psych studies, but no one would have it. This is a novella (4 hours reading time)

    Obsidian Tides: Musical/stage - For many generations this village has thrived on this island. The tides will not allow them to leave. As boats crash to the shore, the sailors are killed and delivered to the doctor. It is the Good Doctor's job to take these body parts and create the perfect body, on that their "God-to-be" will inhabit and show them how to live right. After nearly 30 years of trying, he might have the perfect body. One thing is missing... the perfect pair of eyes. The doctor goes to his favourite place (he is a loner) to think. It's a forbidden place. He finds a survivor from the last shipwreck. It's a girl with whom he falls madly in love with. He get lost in her eyes... problem is, they're the PERFECT set of eyes. She reads tides and from their forbidden part of the forest she sets a date to sail. They get close over the months as they build a raft and she teaches him of the outside world and her concept of God. She is discovered and left in the doctors house for 'work' one day. He helps her get off the island, holding off the village as she lowers the raft. The village massacre him. the end.

    Physics of the Afterlife: Epic Poem - People have no fear, no respect, no remorse. A father considers how to keep his daughter in line and make her a humble, good person. He invents an idea of God and Hell and the village commend him on his efforts, also repeating this idea to their children. Through the ages the concept changes until we are able to measure a new type of energy. This energy dictates that each person has a specific frequency of this energy. When a person dies, the energy is dispersed and polarised. After 40years of collected efforts around the globe, these energy frequencies are swapped like playing cards until specific frequencies are fuzed together. Eventually a ghost is made and intelligible enough to interview. After the ghost has his say, abolishing the idea of God, the world falls into chaos. In the ashes, before society is rebuilt, before language can once again be solid, a father sits over his daughter's bed and creates a 'new' concept to keep her in line. The narrator calls this story a 'cycle' for a reason.

    The Unknown Colour: Scifi - Romania, 2024. There are no flying cars and no pill to kill all desease, but there are dozens of failed military experiments out there. Doctor Marius Bogdan is brilliant, leading the Rosu Vita Project for the Military. Problem is, he can't remember anything. Travel with Marius across a wartorn Romania as he tries to unlock both the secret to his past and to the 'Red Beasts' he's helped create. Eventually he discovers that his brach project (a red beast 'transitional switch') worked... on himself. Known thereafter as 'the perfect strain', Marius must hide with Romania's resistance (formed by ex-colleagues) as world war 3 begins. They all want Marius's blood.

    I've got many more that I need to write, but if I ever want to shop a book around, I'll touch up one of these.
  19. BFGuru

    BFGuru Active Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    Somewhere in insomiaville
    I'm working on a historical fiction piece of a kidnapped princess. A quasi mentally ill wet nurse who is convinced her royal charge is better off in her care, and the hunt to find them both. It's set in 1300's France and an imaginary kingdom in the Basque Lands. I need to dredge through the history of the regions and the faiths as my kingdom is in the transitional period of christianisation and still has a lot of pagan traditions/cultures and beliefs. But most of the pre christian history is obliterated from the region so my research is slow going.
  20. Newfable

    Newfable New Member

    Nov 23, 2010
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    I never really started it or finished it for NaNoWriMo, but I wanted to do something challenging. So I took all the genres that are either generally hard to write, or hard for me to write, and tried to combine them into one idea.

    It's a vampire romantic comedy with a bit of eroticism in it. And, to be honest, the vampires are only there for comedy and to actually play around with the idea of them; I've yet to read a story about vampires (save for Dracula) that I enjoy.

    I also got the idea a while back to write a story focused on the pointless search. Group A tries to find the meaning behind something Person B did way back when, only to find that it's absolutely meaningless. Though I want to play with that idea a bit, since it's been done here and back before many, many times.
  21. Fullmetal Xeno

    Fullmetal Xeno Protector of Literature Contributor

    Jul 15, 2011
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    Kingdom of Austniad
    I'm working plenty of stories, but right now mainly one. It's a grand fantasy like Lord of the Rings, but only plans to match the scope, not rip anything off. I've done some new twists and turns with my world in general. I've evaluated some annoying fantasy cliches and decided to change it and do something new for once. I want to make a world original and fresh, i want to be the next Tolkien. But in the non- copy type of way. I want my characters and everything to be something new. I plan on looking at languages and evaluating them, so i can fully develop one language i fell in love with. I was inspired by Sindarin, but i want my language to be different in it's own right.

    Im still worldbuilding and developing, but just that main story alone is what i plan for it. I want to write Grand fantasy to adventure to sci-fi.
  22. Jethelin

    Jethelin Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    I am working on a piece in my story that I want to be visually extremely creepy. The kind of creepy that makes you kind of shiver when you are reading it alone in a unlit room at night. So far I have the pictures running in my head and have successfully given myself the chills. Now I just need to put it into words. So far so good though. I think I would officially piss myself in my MCs shoes. Luckily they are a lot braver than me.

    I'm trying to write a low-fantasy story with deep relationships between a group of five (ten actually in a way) people, and have them live in just as deep and rich of a world. The number of people in said group will jump up to anywhere from 11-20 by the end of my story telling and I have no idea if I can pull that off without getting way too wordy. Shouldn't be a problem though since some are going to be the good guys and some bad in a few different ways. Plenty of options to choose from at the moment. The political drama that I have been struggling with for a bit has finally faded into the background and is being replaced with action and deeper character development.

    I'm also around 20k-30k words away from being done with what will hopefully be the first book in what I want to be a trilogy. I think I will post a couple excerpts of my actual MCs doing stuff instead of the introduction and one filler piece I've posted on this site. Need to let the reviewing people tear it apart so I know if I'm on the right track or not.

    I am also realllllyyyyy needing to work on some names. All of my five MCs besides one are named Bname, B2name, G2name, G3name. The former Gname is the only one who has received an actual name so far :cool:. Same with a few of the nations involved.
  23. shaylyn

    shaylyn New Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    I've written in a different thread that I love dark, disturbing books. I was working on one for a while about a girl (with basically the mentality of a little girl) who is battling with an eating disorder and self harm living with a boy who is abusive and every night she is chased and harassed by this monster. Creepy monster with no face and really long sharp nails (kind of like the child eater in Pan's Labrynth). It's very fantastical as there's talking animals and even a dead, mauled rabbit that sings to her. It was all so morbid and depressing that I had to stop because I was beginning to get suicidal thoughts. I may return to finish it some day, but for now, I don't think I'm quite ready yet, emotionally.
  24. Show

    Show Contributor Contributor

    Jul 25, 2008
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    I'm focusing on Nonfiction for class right now, but most of my fiction is typically emotional family/friend drama, sometimes set against a violent crime or sometimes not. I try to vary my stories but that's typically my MO.
  25. Jethelin

    Jethelin Member

    Nov 25, 2011
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    Sounds very creepy but very interesting at the same time. I'm also into really dark and maybe a bit depressing books. I have no idea why. But in my story they are in this forest (the dark evil cliched forest of doom actualy :p) at night and they run into these completely black deer with big completely white glowing orbs eyes that just stare without blinking. Hard to explain now that i'm not actually writing about it. But I have them run into the deer, the deer runs away, then when they are trying to get out of the forest because even weirder and worse things are happening, they see the white orb-eyes following them to the sides but vanish in the dark soon after they are spotted. Adds a bit to the over all creepiness in my opinion, along with the big things happening. I'm hoping the deer are a kind of original idea, but they just popped into my head one night making me think I have read about them somewhere else or something but can't remember where.

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