I'm thinking of making a home-made nature documentary. I found a robin's nest and a family of goslings, and I'm thinking of filming both families until the young are full-grown, then putting the film together in a 'nature diary' sort of story comparing the two families and illustrating the differences and similarities between them. Has anyone here done anything with video? Any advice on writing the narration? (I'm doing quite a bit of research into both the species - American Robin and Canada Goose - and will incorporate this research in the narration to explain what the viewer is seeing.)
it would be formatted the same as any movie script... if you've never written a script, you'll need to learn the basics... here's a fine how-to on documentary writing/filming: http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/programme_doc_documentary_script.pdf you can download actual scripts to study the format, should have a script-formatting program [ideally, final draft] for writing the script, but i can send you info on less costly alternatives, if you drop me an email... have fun! love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com