So I just found out last night that there was an animated Final Fantasy t.v. series. I was looking through the DVD's at the library and there they were, right in front of me! It was like those times when you're walking down the street and you find a gold nugget the size of a softball lying in the gutter. It started out perfectly, by instantly going into a battle between monsters the size of small islands, and it gets weirder from there. I'm pretty sure the person who wrote the story was on several different variations of LSD, but I'm loving it. I only wish the monsters were cooler.
I hadn't heard of it as a tv series before. My husband plays the video games and I saw the movie years ago, but I can't say I'm an avid fan. The games bug me a little because of the, er, I don't know the technical name for it among gamers, but the turn taking. The way you hit your enemy and then have to stand there waiting for them to take their turn to hit back. Too slow for me.
^^Turn based RPGs just aren't for you; maybe Tales of... Series instead. I've never heard of a tv series before. I shall check it out.