Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. -- Robery Frost. What do you think? Fire or Ice?
The world may most likely perish in ice. If during 2012 there is a planetary alignment between venus and earth then earth will freeze due to the size of venus being nearly as large as the earth and blocks the heat and light. This may last up to seven days, but if the Bible is correct, then it should only last 3 days. Now add the possibility of major plate movements, which may most likely cause massive earthquakes, and we have a high chance of being flooded. Since the earth will freeze for at least three days, we're looking at ice skyscrapers. I'm just saying since most likely most or all will perish, so who cares about what happens after the sun "ressurects." Then again, Venus will probably be sharing its heat to the region at the possibly new equator.... Or, people will blow up the earth with some WMD and that'd be fire.
What? That might be the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever said on here. Venus and Earth may be similar in size, but Venus is too far away to block a significant amount of light/heat/energy from reaching Earth. Even if it were closer or bigger, keep in mind that the moon causes solar eclipses all the time. Though solar eclipses have been taken as bad omens, they've never been responsible for apocalyptic ice ages, not even when the moon was much closer to Earth than it is now. The world will end in fire, when the sun expands and swallows Earth. There will be plenty of ice before then, and it'll probably kill off a lot of life. But it won't end the world.
I refer you to the cuniform thread, in the research forum. But seriously, Freshmaker is right. That would never happen.
The sun's diameter is 870000 miles. and the diameter of Venus is 7520 miles. The distance from the sun to Venus is 67200000 miles, so by similar triangles, the maximum distance Venus' shadow can extend is 586000 miles. The minimum distace between the Earth and Venus is about 30000000 miles, so venus' shadow cannot evem come close to reaching the Earth.
...That settles it. Cogito knows everything. xD Based on the opinions of The Freshmaker and Cogito, I'm convinced the world will end in fire, but I'd MUCH rather it ended in ice. I highly dislike the heat. I'm a winter gal...though if the earth got cold enough to end it, I'm sure I'd wish for summer!
Cogito, with the powers of mathematics! (Too bad Freshmaker already disassembled the argument with the power of common sense )
If you want the world to end in ice, a massive body could pass through the solar system (a roque neutron star?) and its gravity could pull the Earth out of its stable orbit around the sun. As the Earth gets farther from the sun, the temperatures will plummet. Probability? Extremely low. But if you are looking for a story option...
When the sun begins to die, isnt it supposed to expand greatly (and envelope a few of the nearer planets) petty much Liquefying earth? If thats the case thats going to be quiet some time away and i guess a rogue neutron star could pass by than and drag us out. or Aliens could always zap us with their super powered magnifiing glass ships before than too.