Majority of fiction is written from a third-person perspective. I have noted very little first person outside of YA. Is there a particular reason for this? Does one seem more 'grown up' than the other? What about a perspective of the reader being the character, but a passive observer? Thoughts?
Hey [MENTION=55095]jmhoffer[/MENTION] There are a lot of threads about this already--you might want to check a few of the others out.
It's the author's preference. Nope. I'm not sure I understand this. Are you talking about first person POV but where the focus is on everyone except the narrator?
As an example... You see a fire in the distance and decide to walk towards it. The cold air of the desert night makes you start to shiver as you make your way towards what could save your life.
I find it interesting that first, second and third person perspectives have such huge discrepancies in usage. Third is the most popular, followed by first, and I don't think I've ever read a published second beyond a 'choose your own adventure' story. Can anyone think of reasons for this?
The level of restriction on the writer is conversely proportionate to the prevalence of the POV in publication.