Hi guys, A very general question here. I'm getting ready to start my first novel. One of my problems is that I have a number of ideas floating around in my head and can't decide if I should work on combining them together or split them up for more than one project. This is an issue of plot & theme for me. For a first timer, do you think it's better to keep it simple? How do you ultimately decide which elements to narrow down to? I feel like subtracting certain ideas will take away from the depth I wanted, but I do not want to overwhelm myself and create something seriously lacking in focus. I've been reading a lot lately, both novels and books about writing, and have wanted to start something for a long time. I'm finding it difficult to accept/settle on ideas and put pen to paper. What helped you guys get started? Thanks.
just pick a place to start and start writing! the story should evolve as the words begin to flow... don't overthink it beforehand... trust that your story will tell you where it wants to go... all that ever 'helped' me get started on any piece of writing was an idea and an opening sentence...
Just take in those ideas that are consistent with the story. If they are good and would work in it then don't hold back and put them in. You need to put in everything that would increase the quality of your work.
If you keep the plot too simple, you won't have enough story for a novel. Incorporate the ideas that fit together to add depth to your story.
What I do now and wish I had done right from the start is using a simple notebook (or text document if you want) and write down all my ideas. And I mean all of them, no matter how crazy or absurd an idea might seem. I try to expand them into a story, and sometimes it clicks. I mean you can sit with an idea for days and never go anywhere with it, but sometiems it seems like it expands itself. When I start with an idea and want to expand it into a story, I use a combination of earlier ideas and making it up as I go. Sometimes I start by expanding it into a skeleton, othertimes I just write. My first two books were written as I went along, and even though they were my first books, I was quite happy with them. I tried using a skeleton for the third, and it quickly got twice as long as the others before I ended up ending it and planning a sequel. Whatever works for you.
A lot of ideas can probably fit into the novel you're planning to start, unless two of them contradict each other or an idea conflicts with the events that must unfold to drive your plot forward. Novels have the main conflict, plus smaller conflicts along the way, character motivations, subplots etc, so you'll definitely need lots of plots and ideas for one novel.