was bad enough to fill an underground cave, which is 25yrds in length, 5 feet in width, and 7 feet in hieght.
I imagine that could take a while then... I live on high ground so I admit all I really know about hurricanes is that they're a good excuse to throw a party and watch your trees blow down. Though I know a guy who lives on the river and his neighborhood was flooded for a few weeks. It was awesome. All their houses were built up so there was no flood damage and you had to kayak house to house.
It was awesome, in fact, I've found that as long as there's no expensive property damage (we can all survive with a few less trees so long as they don't hit the house) hurricane's in general are pretty awesome. But, yeah, that part about the property damage is important; nobody wants a tree in their living room unless it's christmas...and unfortunately that's a large part of taking a direct hit from a hurricane.
I imagine this being in the bayous of Louisiana or the Everglades of Florida. Damn, I wish I was there sometimes. One of my crazy lifetime ambitions is to be stormhunter for 6 months.
Florida would be the winner...though not in the Everglades, just a small town on the St. Johns that no one's ever heard of.
so lemme get this straight...people want a hurricane to knock a tree down and fall into their living room during christmas? Sounds like a weird present =P