So I've been working hard on my current novel and have made good progress, great idea, I LOVE the characters, and a nice setting. However I've flamed out, that is to say between work and going for my BA degree in CSS my motivation to write anything has been sapped dry. What I don't need is people saying "just keep writing!" because I KNOW!!! lol the problem is that I can find the time, but I cant muster up the gusto to actually continue working on the project. How do ya'all deal with that? Do you keep writing? do you do something else? Please share your thoughts.
Maybe do what I do sometimes. Just space out and kind of write, but in your head. Just make the story go in your head as if it were a movie and eventually it just sort of starts writing itself. Sort of like just hitting the play button on your whatever you watch things on. if you can space out as deep as I can in english class this works great. Then once you sort of "come back to reality" I guess you'd say then you will be excited to go write down all your ideas that you daydreamed. Oh and also this is pretty relaxing so you will get a nice break from all that work you have to do.
I know if I just start thinking about it, the ideas will flow, and if they're any good I just have to write them down else I'll forget about them, and before you know i'm neck-deep in it all again... I have to watch what I'm thinking about while I'm trying to sleep =P
I think anyone will tell you stress is not productive and not good for writing. When you can take time out and find a space and a time to chill, relax, go for walks, fresh air is always a good idea for revamp, read or watch good movies relating to what you are writing, get some ideas from your own environment. One of the best ways would be to invite people around, dinner or drinks and chat around what you are writing to get feedbacks and more ideas from friends. One of my drive it to start a writing/chat circle of people where all writers meet and air their ideas and writing projects and brainstorm ideas for more ideas if you like. Airing and talking about what you are writing or thinking about a story is a great source of inspiration because it helps you air and externalise your ideas which helps in the flow of the imagination. It is a great mind exericise and strengthen the energy that makes the imagination flow. The other way you could do is to write little pieces and read them out loud to yourself.
I never found the "just keep writing" advice helpful. Being a disciplined and motivated person, it takes serious obstacles for me to get in this kind of a situation. What I found most difficult was having all these ideas in my head, scenes, characters, itching to get beck to writing, but simply not being able to, and then feeling like a failure. But since there is nothing we can do about life getting complicated on occasion, I find that reminding myself that this is only temporary and that soon enough I'll be back in the swing of things, helps. Also, when I can't write, I read and take notes, write down ideas and such, or go and do some photography, which is another interest of mine.
This happens to me as i'm studying with the Open University so need my motivation to just do my work, let alone write. If i need to 'reconnect' with my story i usually wait until bed time. No one bothers me, it's all dark and quiet, i try to get rid of any thoughts in my head that might distract me. I relax. Then i run through the next scene i want to write in my head, like i'm watching a film. I have a pen and notepad and i jot down all the good ideas, as in the morning they'll probably be gone. I have learnt to write in the dark as i used to when i was at school, you can actually come to write quite neatly and without over-lapping but it does take practise. I hope i helped xxx
When I am really busy, I never write, I just plot. During exam periods for instance, I simply don't have the time or energy. During those times I like to just space out for a while and think about the story. I like to take some notes to remember all the ideas I have, but there is no need to. This can be more productive then tiring yourself out by doing too much.
if you feel too caught up in other things in life you could put the writing on hold until you feel you can give it more attention. Sometimes life comes between you and the things you want to do. be patient with yourself and maybe use the time to plot or develop your current story ideas in your head until there's a better time.
That is suspiciously similar to what my wife told me... >.> It's also good to see that I'm not the only one who "sees the story as a movie in my head." tecnique, at least for me it works really well. Thanks for the advice!
I read, it inspires me to write. You could try writing long hand if you write on a computer, it might help to get re-inspired.