Is there a flow-chart or diagram that you follow to help you organize/bring out ideas for your writing? I'm trying to come up with something like this with nothing good turning up yet...
Over the past couple of days, and a while back as well, there's been discussion of the Snowflake Method (look it up) which some people find useful. It's definitely one of the more comprehensive methods of structuring your fiction. That said, I enjoy just thinking about it and writing the details down if I think I won't remember them. Think abstractly. Think of the plotline you want, and make it happen. Wonder what the natural consequences of plot elements are. Think logically.
Thanks for the replies. I read the forum rules recently and don't recall seeing anything mentioning software, I apologize. I am just trying to see if I can come up with a more effective method of getting my ideas down together on something visual and that can be saved, unlike my horrible handwriting on a piece of paper.
Don't forget though (depending on how you write best, of course), handwriting can be useful. Draw a flow chart explaining the links between all the characters, and then draw it again, and draw it again until you've got the most efficient version, and then stick it up over your writing area. Do the same with a plot basis with a large letter size. Draw maps and layouts of rooms and houses and stick them up. Write the next couple of chapter outlines and stick them up. Then, when you're writing, it's just a nervous tic motion of the head to the left, and you remember where you're going.