Has anyone tried the Flowstate app for IOS? I just happened across it. It was just released in mid-January. The app is meant to "encourage" writers to write by removing all distractions and providing a "penalty" if the writer stops writing. I didn't download it, but from what I read, the writer chooses one of three time limits: 5, 15 or 30 minutes (I think). The timer starts with the writer starts typing. If at any time during the time limit the writer stops typing for more than five seconds, all work up to that point in the session would be lost; it just fades away. I can see positives and negatives with this. What are your opinions about an app like this?
It's something I would stay well away from. I usually write in short bursts, then while I ponder what comes next. To lose everything after 5 seconds of thought... that just seems outrageously stupid. If my phone rings while I'm writing and I pick it up, there goes up to 14 minutes and fifty-four seconds' worth of work. And what if a writer needs to research something prior to the next sentence? No thanks.
That would be frustrating and annoying unless you're under the gun during Nanowrimo. Maybe it's more applicable to writing a diary or journal perhaps.
Perhaps you're right, @Jeff Countryman. I didn't think about it's usefulness during Nanowrimo, but also think it would help ensure that you crank out the words without reservation.