Hey there, I am doing a novel which takes place in a town, Raven's Crossing. Part of the novel plays on folklore about Ravens. If you could point me to where I could find a reliable source, besides wiki, on this subject, I would greatly apperciate it.
Shouldn't you already know some good folklore on Ravens? The rough plot and setting seems like it could only come from having some idea of Ravens. You could just google Raven folklore and browse through the sites.
Read some stories about the goddess Morrigan. If you simply google "Morrigan Raven" you should come up with something relevant. Also look at her two "sisters" as she is part of trinity, which may or may not help you too.
Odin, of Norse mythology, had ravens. You should check Edith Hamilton's Mythology for that. I also believe that Native American mythology does, too. Try googling Native American Mythology and ravens.
The Bible? Elijah, isn't it? Edit: found the bit: 1st Kings 12:16 to 1st Kings 17 And they say that if the ravens leave the Tower of London, there will be no more Kings of England, the White Tower will crumble, and great disasters will hit England. To deal with this, one of the Beefeaters has the job of Ravenmaster, and he has to make sure at least 6 ravens live there. Note: I didn't spend a summer taking French schoolkids on a summer school around London for nothing!