Calibri at a size of 10 points. I've found that it's hard for me to write in any other font after having used this.
I use font size 12, either Courier New or Times New Roman. In the end, it doesn't matter, because it can be changed to whatever size or font that a publisher desires. I normally print in 11 pt or sometime 10 pt Times New Roman to save ink and paper when I have to hand edit. Terry
As a little girl, I used Garamond (I think it was either 10 or 12 pt). Then, when I grew up it became Times New Roman (12 pt). Nowadays, I'm enjoying Calibri (I feel that when I type, it comes out as more smooth in calibri) at 12 pt. I can't tolerate Courier New. I feel like I'll fall asleep...I dunno, it makes me feel detached from my story.
I also use Calibri! But at 11pt, any other font either gives me a headache over pages and pages or just grates on me far too much. I used to use Arial a lot but that lost it's appeal.
courier new at 12, its what most publisher's require when you submit. Its also one of the few fonts that, now I'm not sure what the actual term is called off the top of my head, lines "evenly" for word,s allowing for rough words counts.
I have set my document template for manuscripts to use Curier New 12 pt, which seems to be the most widely recommended for submissions. As Terry said, you can change it quickly to meet another publisher's requirements if necessary. For posting on this site, I use the site defaults, which were selected for the best overall readability in a web context. I do prefer sans serif fonts for printing out my works locally to share. Verdana is a bit wide, but is better than Arial at distinguishing some similar-looking characters like O and 0 or 1/I/l.
I generally stick to Times New Roman in either size 10 or 11 font. The typing is small, but I generally use 1.5 spacing to make it easier to read.
I usually use Verdana, size 12. It's easy for me to read. I can also handle Times New Roman but Courier New just kills me. So difficult to read. I'm not submitting for publication so the font doesn't really matter except in terms of readability, so of course I won't go using anything like Orbus Multiserif or something. I used to use all sorts of fonts in my stories to illustrate things like handwritten notes, etc., but now I find it very unprofessional in others' writing.
It varies. I usually use size 10 for whatever font I'm using, though. Lately I've been using Times New Roman, Georgia, and Arial. I've never used this Calibri.... I should look into it. Once upon a time I used to make a point of using a different font for each story, ha. That was years ago.
I guess I'm at odds with everyone. I use Helvetica, size 12 font. But anything's fine, really. I don't understand how some people can't stand to write in certain fonts, provided it's nothing crazy like Webdings.
courier 12 pt for all mss [except poetry] and scripts... times new roman 12 pt for all else, unless a fancier font called for...
I like to use different fonts, usually at 12 or 14. Zephyr (used on the cover of the Twilight books), Lazy Dog, It Ain’t Rocket Science, and Segoe Print are some that I write with. All of them but Segoe Print were downloaded online.