Hey! I know that it's English only on the forum and I understand that, however I'm just curious what the stance is on profiles, and most specifically, statuses. I like to have lyrics from various songs as my status, and given that a majourity of my music is Japanese, that means not a lot of lyrics people understand. x) So basically, I just wanted to know if I could have Japanese as my status. Yeup.
The answer to the query is, as it often is, moderation. I'm a polyglot myself; thus, I have an appreciation for languages, but I also have an appreciation for what it takes to moderate a forum, and asking the mods to check foreign language content on a regular basis is, to me, not reasonable. Moderation. I don't mind the odd thing here or there, but please don't katakana - hiragana - kanji - romaji my forum into something it's not meant to be.