Quick question: Is there a way to form groups on the writingforums.org? I'm just wondering because I think it would be cool if my NaNoWriMo team and creative writing team could all get on the forums and be recognized by the group they subscribe to. If this isn't a feature, maybe it could be in the future? Just my thoughts and questions. Love you all.
This made me think it would be incredibly fun to, as Admin stated, make teams for NaNoWriMo. Then the teams could engage in friendly competition.
Ha, yeah, if it's anyone I want to be on a team with, it's Mal. Very good source of inspiration and give good character nudges
Don't this website has social groups? Most forum websites do, and I thought maybe this one has one too.
Not too late, nothing's really been done yet, but I probably will start up something around NaNoWriMo (and you'll be welcome to join, so will anyone who wants to)