we create a story using the fortunately unfortunately method so one person says fortunately something happened and the next does unfortunately fortunately when i was walking to the shops i did not trip over my own feet like i usually do
I don't think we're catching on to how this thing is supposed to run... less than five posts and we've already lot cohesion
fortunately, i'd taken my meds that day, and took mercy on the pair. unfortunately, the hitman didn't.
Fortunately the lack of medication made him so depressed he couldn't even kill anyone Unfortunately his partner was doing just fine Fortunately I wasn't the target (Now we are back on track with ending a post on Fortunately)
Unfortunately, the woman directly behind me was the target. Fortunately, I am a three feet tall, so the shot fired wizzed safely over my head.
Unfortunately because you are only three feet tall, you are trampled by the crowd as they rush in a panic Fortunately some kind person picks you up and runs you to safety
Unfortunately the person is a cannibal Fortunately, the currently have a toothache and really aren't thinking about lunch at the moment.
Unfortunately, he IS tinking of dinner, and little else. Fortunately, he cannot find his blood straw.
Unfortunately he did find his all purpose spork. Fortunately, he trips dropping his three foot tall human snack.
Unfortunately so was orah/ she ODs on adrenaline and starts convulsing Fortunately,Oprah was too busy trying on angel wings to notice/ someone puts an all purpose spork in her mouth to keep her from biting her tongue
Unfortunately Stedman landed on one of Oprah's Cocker Spaniels Fortunately the Dog Whisperer and the leading doggie trauma surgeon are walking by
Unfortunately the Whisperer in question was also the cannibal. Fortunately, Oprah rolled over crushing him.
Unfortunately Oprah's wings impale her in the back when she crushes the cannibal Fortunately, the paparazzi get a great shot of her death throws and heroic demise
Unfortunately Oprah's legions of fans go berserk killing and rampaging. Fortunately, they all stop off at the book store to finish her suggested reading list first.
Unfortunately, Twilight is at the top of said list. Fortunately, Edward Cullen is mysteriously missing from this copy...
Unfortunately, he is replaced by someone even worse Fortunately, the crowd soon discover the change to their beloved piece of garbage books before it rots their brains
Unfortunately, they start tearing through the store looking for an unaltered copy. Fortunately, some of them actually read some well written books along the way.
Unfortunately, all they read along the way are Anne Rice novels Fortunately, they are superior to Twilight and they give up their pursuit