the story begins in the not so distant future in a on a freight liner with a conversation between my main protagonist (at this time discontent with his life, ob , and family) and a coworker moving freight crates with a flying futuristic ship. the coworker is operating the ship gets the crate about 50 yards in the air when a rift (or portal) develops in the front half of the crate being lifted then quickly going away. throwing the ship into a tail spin killing the operator. another portal opens closer to the liner throwing the severed piece of the crate on to the ship causing it to sink. our main character Ben frantically trying to get to safety from the sinking ship. during this time more rifts are opening and closing throwing whatever is in there wake all of the city and the bay. another portal open close to Ben and through it he sees land and safety and decides to go through it. coming out on the other side Ben finds im self changed feeling different/meaningful. he soon realizes that the place he has came to for safty was not the same place he ust was. My main story is set in a steampunk like setting loosely based on victorian london/gangster Chicago called Jasper City. the city is over run by crime and poverty but still some how able to sustain order. in the sky floats another city, a cyberpunk like place called tessanova. he son finds out tessanova and it government are responsible for the collapse and decay of Jasper City. and vows to tip the scales in the correct direction. I need to figure out why Ben seems so interested in saving this city and what Tessanova is doing to make Jasper the way it is. other than that im more interested in other plot holes i may not see.or might run into. any feedback will be thanked! this will be a graphic novel so imagery will be done through illustrations.
revised: The story begins in the not so distant future on a freight liner with a conversation at some other person expense between the MC (at this time discontent with his life, job , and family) and a coworker moving freight crates with a flying futuristic ship. the coworker is operating the ship gets the crate about 50 yards in the air when a rift (or portal) develops in the front half of the crate being lifted then quickly going away. throwing the ship into a tail spin killing the operator. another portal opens closer to the liner throwing the severed piece of the crate on to the ship causing it to start to sink. our main character Ben frantically trying to get to safety from the sinking ship. during this time more rifts are opening and closing throwing whatever is in there wake all of the city and the bay. another portal opens close to Ben and through it he sees land and safety and decides to go through it. coming out on the other side Ben soon realizes that the place he has came to for saftey was not the same place he just was. My main story is set in a steampunk like setting loosely based on Victorian London/gangster Chicago called Jasper City. the city is over run by crime and poverty but still some how able to sustain a shred of order. in the sky floats another city, a cyberpunk like place called tessanova. he soon finds out tessanova and it government are responsible for the collapse and decay of Jasper City.he is torn between trying to find his way back home (to his dimension not time) and to try and tip the scales in the correct direction for Jasper city. he decides to go with both plans. due to shortly after him arriving in this new place he has a break down and pratically levels a whole city block by powers he has not ever known and can control bestowed to him from who/whatever gave him the rift to Jasper city. He is seen as the 3rd person sent to try an liberate and lead a uprising against tessanove. the two before him failed to basically give a crap. and went on there own way when sent there. hence the arc title The good Samaritan. I need to figure out why Ben seems so interested in saving this city and what Tessanova is doing to make Jasper the way it is. other than that im more interested in other plot holes i may not see.or might run into. any feedback will be thanked! this will be a graphic novel so imagery will be done through
Well it sounds like the only motivation he needs is strong morals and enough will to act on them. And if he's discontented, maybe he's looking for adventure/purpose/expression to some degree? Or the situation or something reminds of the problems he has at home and strikes a chord? Both? That kind of stuff would give him more complicated motives than just raw compassion and an additional push. You could explore how he sees his new life in comparison with his old. Which bits does he prefer? Which not? Why? Does he have moments where his side motives affect his goals, making him choose things different from just saving and getting out? I'm sure you can come up with all kinds of interesting stuff from this element. Play with the character. The breakdown is a good example of that. As for Tessanova, hoarding of resources and ruthless governance, if they have any influence on Jasper, are all it would take. It doesn't need to be particularly intentional. There are loads of options. They could be dumping waste somewhere; poisoning people and/or damaging an important resource. Sending covert agents in to disrupt the society in some subtle way would be more intentional, and seems to be the kind of plot twisty thing you're looking for. You haven't really placed any limits there at all. Do whatever works and makes sense to you and see what the reader thinks. If you need additional feedback ask someone more singular and trustworthy than an entire internet forum. Don't want to spoil.