Hello everyone. I' m here to share this thought I've been having about this story I'm writing. So I sit down, probably because currently I have a lot of free time, and I just have to think a situation. Is that "alright"? Or should it just come out on its own and flow down the paper? Am I forcing it if I have to think about the situation? Is the story supposed to form itself with ideas that suddenly show up in your head? Because I get this feeling that what I'm writing I don't mean; this feeling of hypocrisy because I have to make up a situation to fit an emotion or a characters explination as to why he is the way he is in the present. Thanks for reading PS: I'm sorry if made any grammar mistakes, I'm learning english, not native speaker
Hi Greta I think it's your job as a writer to create situations to emote. I'm not sure if anyone in the world has ever sat down and scribbled off a complete story without tons of head banging and soul searching, trying to fit or jam in or wedge a scenario to suit the sentiments of the writer or character. Don't worry if it isn't all exactly in your head right now - just write and see what happens - after a while it will flow a lot easier.
This is what people mean when they say, "the first draft always sucks." The first draft has all the shit but also the gems. Editing will bring out its beauty.
First draft is always not what you want your story to turn out. I had written first, second and third draft samples for my novel and it was not until 4 years later that I had came to what the story will evolve into. There are some writers who are gifted where they can write a novel in one sitting. There are others that take years and years to develop a usable story. Editing will help refine your writing, grammer, spelling but it is about the story.
I see. I'll explore as much as possible and I'll not reject any thoughts that come to my head for then review.