Alright you pale key bashers! Spring is here, summer is on the way, and that means that its time to get in shape. I recently have started a new workout plan and am sore all over feeling a definite impact. The problem is, between school, work, a girlfriend, a social life, and basic daily needs, I am having a hard time keeping motivated. I assume I am not the only one. This thread exists to help each other out. Everything from what your workout exists of, what you are eating, weight lost/gained. We can do this! We can be the fittest writing forum on EARTH. Pic related, it's a bad photoshop of me at the beach this summer
Wrey's workout plan M ~ Complete leg work out T ~ Pecs W ~ Arms T ~ Back F ~ Shoulders That's the short of it. Each major muscle area gets three exercises each which are regularly rotated with different exercises to stave off "plateau effect". Every single day, to include weekends I do abs. Again, three different exercises, rotated. That is all in the morning before work. After work I go to the track and walk briskly for an hour and a half. I don't jog or run. I am not after that marathon skeleton look. I don't want my % of body fat to drop below 13%.
My workout plan: Plan A: Monday: 15 mins light cardio warm-up 5x5 barbell deadlift 5x5 dumbbell bent-over row 5x5 dumbbell shoulder press. Tuesday: Cardio day Wednesday: 15 mins light cardio 2x pullups until failure (as many as I can do) 5x5 barbell squats 5x5 dumbbell benchpress Thurs: Cardio Day Friday: 15 mins light cardio warm-up 5x5 barbell deadlift 5x5 dumbbell bent-over row 5x5 dumbbell shoulder press. Plan B Monday: 15 mins light cardio 2x pullups until failure (as many as I can do) 5x5 barbell squats 5x5 dumbbell benchpress Tuesday: Cardio day Wednesday: 15 mins light cardio warm-up 5x5 barbell deadlift 5x5 dumbbell bent-over row 5x5 dumbbell shoulder press. Thurs: Cardio Day Friday: 15 mins light cardio 2x pullups until failure (as many as I can do) 5x5 barbell squats 5x5 dumbbell benchpress Each week I alternate between plan A/B for variety and even training. So far, I have been pretty bad about my cardio days (I've been skipping them mostly) but I am to get better about that. I don't want to seriously look like the shooped pic I posted above, but I would like to keep from becoming over-weight. My current BMI is 23.6, and I would like to pull it closer to the 19-20 range. Diet wise, I have cut soda almost entirely (I still have maybe 3 0-cal diet sodas a week) and have greatly reduced my candy/ice cream intake I am also limiting myself to 3 beers a week or less.
Oh, can I join? All I planned doing was like sit-ups, some kind of exercise for the legs and... jump rope. Way to go! Maybe I should think of some other things...
I know that outside links are discouraged, but is an excellent fitness resource, and it contains lots of vetted information regarding myths/facts on building a workout. If it is not alright to have the link, I understand, but I hope it can stay. AWESOME. Now we are diverse! See, even a girl can do this work-out thing. What is everyone else's excuse?
I'm actually underweight, and I exercize too much...... perhaps it's good that I can't join in??? (gosh that sentence makes me sound anorexic.... i'm not. just a really high metabolism.)
I have worked as a personal trainer in the past. Here are the top five excuses. 1) I don't have time. 2) Gym's are too expensive. 3) I get intimidated going to the gym 4) I tried once and got hurt. 5) I am too old. Here are my responses to those excuses: 1) Make time. I promise there is time to spare in the day. 2) There are workouts you can do at home with minimal equipment. 3) Same as the last answer. 4) Slow and steady wins the race. 5) No such thing.
*applauds wrey* I usually rollerblade's an excellent leg workout and burns a lot of calories..... I can still probably do that, although I can only have one rollerblade on and will have to push myself with my crutches.
One more thing, and I know this is gonna' sound super cheese-ball, but... If you have a medical condition or a concern with your health, consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine or regimen.
My workout is simple but effective: Run (4 - 5 miles usually) and perform core exercises (push-ups, sit-ups). I typically only do the core exercises every other day. Right now I can do 50 sit-ups and 45 push-ups. I'll be happy when I hit 60 for both. Exercise just makes me happier. Eating well and staying fit = Win. I used to love rollerblading. But I lost my skates a while back...
I just killed an hour or so on Youtube learning that my form has been all wrong for my squats and deadlifts. Mike Rippetoe has (hopefully) set me straight.
I box and grapple at a local martial arts gym. I am trying to get their three times a week. It is a difficult workout, mostly focused on cardio at the moment in addition to the actual martial arts part of it. Working out=fun. I just need to do it more often
I play ice hockey, but my problem is this: I have an extreme metabolism and I cannot put weight/muscle/ANYTHING on no matter how many calories I eat or how much I exercise. Any ideas? I don't know how to put on the weight I want or to get strong.
OMG you all need a house wife on here... Wake up... lift all the kids out of bed and get them dressed while they run around laughing at me = light cardio and some serious weight lifting affecting arms and back Prepare breakfast and put away all clean dishes = a nice stretch while reaching for the highest cupboards Take kids outside and chase them (they really enjoy the road. 5 acres of country life here. i dont get it.) for an hour or two = more cardio Get everyone ready for bed, tuck them in for nap, then clean for the next 2 hours = I would say mopping sucks! But I sure break a sweat... I also sweep instead of vacuum for the extra movement The evening goes much as the morning... It never stops. My husband and I did P90X... we hope to start it again after our 1 month old starts sleeping through the night.
Sleep more. Your body releases growth hormone during deep sleep cycles. also try a lifting program and see if you have nay strength gains after a month. Strength gains = muscle increase.
Don't have a lot of the time, but to comment on this, not being able (or willing) to find time to workout is one of the things that I feel really has kept me from getting into the shape that I want to be. Something that helps keep me motivated on a busy day where the prospect of spending forever at the gym or doing a full workout is that I tell myself "I just need to be active for ten minutes." Whether it's cardio, a quick yoga routine, etc, I make myself do one thing. Usually, that one thing makes me want to work out a little bit longer, too, so I end up doing my full workout.
I try to go cycling and jogging three to four times a week. Usually I cycle for about half an hour and jog for ten to fifteen minutes. I used to play tennis alot when I was younger, I really loved it. I'm currently trying to find a tennis club to join where I live right now.
LOL sounds like my old regime--now, it's: run to catch the ferry (15mins) because no car, spend all day at work on feet or running up and down stairs (lift always too slow/out of order), travel home standing on crowded bus, go to supermarket and finally arrive back carrying minimum 3 heavy plastic shopping bags. Oh, and rarely eat meat, sweet things or anything out of a packet--too expensive.
I've been walking, but I can't really do much considering my foot is booted and I can't be on it for more than 15 minutes at a time......
I bike to work so long as the weather's fine, which is about 30min round trip. On my days off I go out along the river for about 45mins to an hour, again only if the weather is nice. I'm just a miserable person if I'm out in the rain/wind/snow/hail/what-have-you. I tried jogging but I think I pushed myself too hard too soon, my lungs and throat would always start to burn. I also do Tai Chi, class once a week and practice as often as I can. Best decision I've made my whole life, and I highly recommend it if you ever get the opportunity to try it.
I just started on at Gold's Gym (I got a killer deal, almost $12/month off normal pricing) and have moved to all free weights. HUGE difference. I've had to cut my weights back as my stabilizing muscles are woefully under trained. Oh well, progress is progress even if it seems to be backwards. Rock on Rory, that bike ride sounds awesome. Hang in there Gigi; you will heal up soon enough. Maybe you can test out the effectiveness of the old "Sit and be fit" series (target at old folks)
I was doing the jogging deal for a while, until I got a bit hurt. I'm better now, so perhaps I will give it another try; still got about 20 lbs. of baggage to lose, haha.
Be careful not to blow out your knees. You may want to look into pose form or Chi running. They are lower impact forms. Your footwear may also be to blame. I assume the injury was your ankle or knee?
I just ran a half hour with leg and arm weights, did ten reps of butterfly presses, and 20 push ups. I'm beat haha.