So I've not done any writing for the past few weeks due to a spate of exams that I felt needed most of my attention. Now they're over I want to get back into writing, but i'm not feeling any momentum at the moment. Does anyone have any tips for getting back into the spirit of it after a break?
write. if you cannot motivate yourself to do it. watch a great movie or read a great book, that's what made me start writing, i saw one movie that changed everything, the next morning i started writing and haven't stopped since.
Get inspiration. Re-read your drafts, read other books, watch movies, listen to songs. The re-read your drafts part is what I find to be the best for me because I can always pick the end of the last scene to start again, and I remember why I was writing that story in the first place... Hope I helped.
Same thing is happening to me! I have exams going on up until this Wednesday, then I'll be free to write as much as I please! I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, because I feel like once I'm on my summer break, I'll be experiencing the same thing as you.
Imagine that happening for 2 years. You can sit down and write but sometimes you need the inspiration to write. When you wrote before what was going on. I found that when listening to music, my ideas stir in my head and want to explode on to paper (lol funny if that could happen in real life). Last night I wanted to write but I did not have the ideas or momentum to do so. However what was on my mind I ranted about on the computer. I did not care about the grammar or spelling, I just wrote and wrote and wrote until I was exhausted of ideas. Even if they are not great stories or ideas on paper I always leave it in a drive that is labeled "brainstorming".
Thanks for all the replies, I think tomorrow once my holiday officially starts I'll try and muster up the motivation to write. Any more advice is welcome of course.
I'm in the same boat, I haven't written in over a year due to life being crazy as hell. Now that its settled down I'm ready to write. One thing I've done is get back on this site and re-learn or familarise myself with some of the finer points of writing, I've also re-read and am editing some of my previous pieces. I've also set myself a number of targets (which will remain confidential). Either way, everybody's diffrent so your inspirtation may be totally different to the suggestions already made.
Don't try too hard. Maybe try to write away from the computer. Lay down and think of good stories that moved you and then start twisting them. I find relaxing your mind might lead to lots of stories. Often, writer's block might be the result of thinking too hard about it.
...But he is not sure, is he? I guess I would be uncertain about it until I had proof that the village was actually posessed. However, it's your writing. Do as you like.