Okay, just like the last thread, I came up how my character gets the magic paint brush in One Thousand Strokes. Before she discover her paint brush is magic, she paints a cartoon picture based on her comic book pitch for an art contest. Then while she's gone, the hero and villain characters come to life. Except the hero, the villain monsters begin to attack the city. After Mari recogize the attackers, she then discover her paint brush is magical. Now what I'm trying to figure out is how and why she joins her hero creation to battle her rogue crreations. Why should she get into the conflict instead of remaining safe with her friends.
Because she feels responsible? Because she's a good person? Because she's noble? Because she has an adventurous mind? Because someone tells her not to do it? Because she thinks she can do it and then realises how very difficult it is and she might die, but she's in the middle of it all and can't back down?
I like both your suggestions. So my main character decide to fight back, because she feels responsible for putting the people's lives in danger. And one of her friends almost die. The cops and militray are having a tough time fighting the creatures, so everything falls onto her to make the city safe.
This is purely personal, but could you also give them a weakness that only she can exploit? Like the paintbrush is the only thing that could do them real damage, or guns dont work on them, but she can paint a sword that will hurt them or something? It just seems a bit weird that the combined forces of the army and the military can't fight them off, so it's left to a girl/ woman for some reason. In the nicest way possible, it sounds a bit strange like that. Sorry, I really don't mean to be rude.
Oh yah, bullets and other types of weapons have no effect on living artwork, unless the weapons are created from the paint brush. Water can also melt the villains into ink.
*grins* Water can hurt them? *more grinning* Why do I have the sudden mental image of a police chief screaming into his radio, 'No, forget the bloody SWAT team! Get me the fire brigade!"
Ahh that's ok then. That makes more sense. When I read it the first time it sounded like the army was running away from the villians going 'quick, find us a female artist! Only she can save us!' How old is Mari, btw? Also I haven't said it yet I dont think, but your whole concept of the paint brush and stuff is awesome lol
Perhaps he bbrides her with something ... does this magic bursh grant wishes or anything that it could promise her. Or perhaps she is bored with her everyday life and wants an adventure, to do something interesting and have stories to tell in years.
Maybe it is something cool like they can wipe out her life if she doesn't help, like everything that is exists, exists cos it has been plainted sort of thing. I aint sure, I guess I need to know more about this magic brush.
The paint brush is not cursed. It's origin is a mysterious. And yes, one of her rogue creations threaten her if she deoesn't help them conquer the city.
And have you figured out what they threaten her with yet ?? If so, I do not think you need much help with this part as you seem to have thught it out already.