There is so much evidence to prove the existance of the supernatural ghosts yet there is also enough evidence to debunk the theory of ghosts. What do you think. Will we all become ghosts eventually or is the mere sight of a ghost the figment of the imagination a trick of the eye, something that seems as real as the feeling of someone behind us in the dark. What are your thoughts on the Ghosts ~Raven.
A friend of mine lives in a house that is supposedly haunted. I am very skeptical about things like ghosts and spirits. However, some of the things that I and a few of my friends have seen or experienced in that house aren't very easy to explain away. Unfortunately for the spirit world, most evidence in favor of ghosts is either a hoax or hearsay. Even I can admit that when, in my friend's house, I saw the lips of the statue on the mantle move as if could have just been the fact that I was over tired combined with the stories I'd heard about the statue beforehand. I do recommend that everyone read Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife by Mary Roach. It's a great book by a great author, and allows the reader to draw his or her own conclusions about the spirit world and the afterlife.
Oh hell no you weren't tired, that shit was real! If I were you I would've ghost-busted that mantle. People always try to- try to cover up things that they can't understand. They lie and tell you people are crazy- it's just craziness. They say, don't believe that lady about the ghost-witch, she has gray hair and 50 cats. Yeah, why do you think she has all those cats; it's to keep the evil away. I definately believe in ghosts. I mean I've never seen one so I guess I shouldn't be so certain about them. But it makes sense; people die and their spirits roam the earth. I think It would be pretty cool to travel the world and spend a night in every location that was supposively haunted.
Well, I guess it's possible. I mean, humans give off energy, and basic science tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed, so where does the excess energy go when you die? Is that the energy blobs, orbs, ghosts, we see in the pictures that supposedly prove paranormal activity? I don't know. Maybe.
So in a sense your saying when our flesh and bones die we acsend into the form of a ghost or spirit. Its an interesting thought but im not sure if its an acurate one. The myths of ghosts deamons spirits and poltegiests certainly hold up. But science can debunk much of the myth. Yet fact can also provid a certain amount of proof infact enough proof to make a lot of people believe in the existance of the ghosts. ~Raven.
There are a lot of ghost stories about my friend's house. It's a very old house, and a lot of people died there. Some of its actual history is very tragic. According to a couple of my friends who are into magick (again, I am skeptical), there is a "portal" to the spirit world in the attic. It makes for good entertainment.
I absolutely do believe in the paranormal, and enjoy watching shows on the subject matter. Yes, a lot of it is “Hollywood”, but it can be quite entertaining. There are many “ghost” cams on the web that can be fun to watch if you are really bored. Of course it is a lot like watching paint dry. Not much action at all. lol
I find it ironic that people believe in ghosts and UFO's but don't believe that there could be a higher power. Ironic what the mind chooses to believe as real, huh? I think ghosts are possibly real. I believe that they could interact with you on various levels. I know that, to schitzophrenics, they are very real. My only heartache with the whole ghost thing is that if I were a ghost, would I really want to waste a bunch of time playing around with humans? I think I would have better things to do with my time.
The trouble with ghosts and the believe in ghosts is plenty of people claim to have witness the appiration of a ghost whether it be one foggy morning in the country fields to an old castle. And others claim to have been haunted by a deamon or poltergiest and to them its proberly a very real experience. But is that all it is an experience the brain has conjured up for the unexplained. Maybe there are ghosts lost souls walking the Earth because they cannot find their way to Heaven or the next passage. I'm not sure if I beleive in the existance of ghosts because I've not seen nor met one first hand. I've witnessed some very atypical things. But thats proberly all they were. If I see an actual ghost with my own eyes in the flesh then maybe I'll choose to believe. But until then I'll stay sceptical. The trouble is when something strange happens or you see something strange the brain will tell you it was something out of the ordinary when you can'y explain what you just witnessed. ~Raven.
Yeah but you don't see world war 3 breakin out cuz the ghostbusters didn't make it in time to catch the ghost before any1 saw it. It's good to believe and you don't have to feel insecure or holy about it. What better things can be dun while being a ghost other than being sucked up by ghostbusters. I would find it amusing. U can do anything you want with rules with little limitations. I could stand in the middle of a battle field and live through 30 more.
Ghosts/Spirits, they're a joke. Like anything Spiritual or Supernatural they're all just imaginative hype. Whatever "proof" people think they've cited, it's not really proof. I've met one too many people that think they've proven aliens DO exist and have "proof" to back it up. I've met people that believe in stupid conspiracy theories. People believe in all sorts of stupid things.
Now thats true. There are plenty of nutters out there that actually think they have been abducted and go to therapy because of it. The trouble is if something unusualt happens like a cold chill down the back of your neck or a door slamming creaking stairs your brain tells you it has to be a ghost because its the eaisest explanation. When infact its nothing more than creaking stairs or a cold chill. ~Raven.
::applauds:: People will go to great lenths to try to prove that sort of thing. Read up on the scams involving ectoplasm, spiritualism, and seances in the 19th and early 20th centuries. It's hilarious what people are willing to believe.
Peopl;e will generally believe what they are told to if they can't undersatnd something and told its a ghostly appiration then they tend to believe in the ghostly appiration. Properganda. ~Raven.
I'm open to the possibility but I wouldn't say I 100% believe in ghosts. It generally depends on what day of the week it is and what scary movie I just finished watching. I still hate my attic thanks to The Grudge. I've had plenty of friends that believe in them though. I've also had friends that believe in dragons and faeries though so that's not saying too much.
Oh, you wanna hear something dumb, when I was real young, like 5 or 6, I thought there were dragons in Florida. I was born in florida then I came up to Alaska when I was four. It was weird though because my mom would ask me if I remembered anything back in Florida and the only thing that I thought I remembered was that my dad and uncle fought off a dragon that was trying to get into our house. So of course it was just me beiing a drunken little kid confused with a dream... ...or was it?
Here's a strange one for you, Hellbent. This has my brow furrowed to this day. I had moved to Nebraska from my home state in 1998. Because I had moved away my best friend at the time, who was very much into Wicca and the like, told me that she was going to send a large yellow dragon up to protect me and my home. I never fully believed it possible but I always liked the idea of dragons so I played along. During my years in NE I developed a short friendship with a couple that lived across the road. They had two daughters, one of which was around 4-5yrs old named Pandora. They were also into Wicca and believed in dragons being real and not just an idea. Panda ecspecially loved dragons. One night I went over to their place with a little gift for Panda. It was a small plastic goblet that was black with a gold Chinese dragon on the outside. When I gave it to her her Dad exclaimed 'Oh! That looks a lot like the dragon that Panda claims to see sitting on your roof. She stands at the window for hours staring over at your house talking about this yellow dragon.' The kicker was that I never told them about my friend claiming to have sent a yellow dragon to protect the house and yet....she saw it?
That I do believe though I'm not sure I believe what they see is real. That make no sense and yet, that's how I feel. I think the reason I don't fully believe it being real is that I myself never saw anything extraordinary as a child. I never even recall having an imaginary friend. Those came when I was older.
Actually, PJ's story reminds me of something weird that happened to me. A couple years ago, a friend of mine told me in confidence that I had spirits following me. There were five or six of them, he said, one of which used to be a female assassin. He told me that she was the only one who actually came into my bedroom with me, and the rest would stay outside my house. I thought it was a little strange. Oddly enough, a while later I had a boyfriend who was into magic and the spirit world (we got into huge arguments about it). And he told me the same thing. So I wondered about it for a long time. I'd forgotten about the whole thing, though.