Quick question for mothers! In the midst of giving birth, how aware of your surroundings do you think you could be? Would you notice what was on television, if there happened to be one nearby? How much would you remember of conversation around you, supposing you were giving birth amidst random conversation…and to what lengths would have you gone to dull the pain? Would you have considered taking heron if offered to you – if giving birth outside a hospital… Thanks
I suppose it depends. I remember a lot about giving birth (it sucks - a lot) since I was very ill with all of mine cause I'm just lucky like that. Because of that I couldn't have pain meds except for with my daughter (she was an emergency c-section). So with the naturals I (sadly) remember every damn thing. Everything. Conversations, pain, the people who made me mad and why (and I don't care if it was irrational ). With my daughter I remember stuff but I remember it wrong. The drugs messed stuff up and I knew it even at the time. I was extremely ill though and so was she and it just a devastating situation. I remember weird things that I wouldn't think I would and don't remember the things you would think I would. (like them showing her to me). As far as taking drugs if they were offered: I couldn't have them because I was sick and they were concerned it would cause oxygen issues and I accepted that and took the pain. I don't think I would endanger my child with heroin even if I was on the street. I would be in pain but I would still have the intelligence to know it would hurt my kid and nothing is worth that. I didn't scream at the doctors to give me the drugs anyway so I don't think I would scream at a dealer either.
i've done it 7 times... yes, SEVEN! there's no way to answer your questions, as more details are needed to do so with any validity... if you don't want to reveal more about your story in public, you can email me for detailed details, if you send me more info about the situation in question... love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com
Thanks for that, damn, I'd hate to be a woman! I think I'll get around it another way - 'they' just drug her up because they dont like the screaming...that way I'm not left with the likelyhood of an unrealistic decision on her part... Thanks for the offer maia, I'll get back to you if I feel I can't work around the situation in mind, and if I'm forced to work though it....
Another question, how do you know when the baby is coming?...sorry, I dont know anything about this stuff - but is the below realistic? Thanks.... “Ronald, it’s time,” she said calmly into her mobile. She must have been faking it. Nobody about to suffer the equivalent having a basketball ripped out of their mouth could be truly relaxed. She’d stepped outside to collect the mail but failed to make it. She'd exhumed a faint moan before turning to waddle back indoors like a duck in flippers. She poured half a glass of green tea, brought it to her lips, tipped down the sink, and then called her husband.