Do you have any? What are they? Do you think they are possible to achieve if you work hard enough? Are there any that you had, but didn't achieve, or just lost interest in? Do you know anyone who had a goal in mind, and achieved it? What do you think it takes to achieve your biggest goals?
I want to be a game designer. In leu of that, I'll probably just get some job with a defense contractor which I hear pays really well and that there are no where near enough tech geeks to meet the market right now so if I can get a security clearance *looks at list* I'm born in the USA, never arrested, no drugs, from military family... can't imagine it be too difficult (yeah, like its ever that easy XD). Computer science rocks. Unemployment can bite me .
I've wanted to be an author, but now I realize that it's not the "writing" part that I like, but the "storytelling and creating". So basically my goal is to be either an author/movie director/video game designer. My dream would be to be a successfull writer, live in a house on the beach with my family, and get to spend the rest of my life on the beach.
I don't know what I want to do. I did want to be a barrister, but I'm not so sure now. So for now, my aim is to do the best I can at uni (if I'm very lucky, a First) and stay as happy as I am right now.
I want to be an actor, and I've decided that if I get to be on all of these three shows, (QI, Have I Got News For You, Top Gear) my life will be complete!
This may sound like a death wish, but I want to teach high school english. And maybe someday get a novel published.
I would like to teach college level math and science. Also, I have decided I wish to publish my writing. I do have two novels in progress, but I have a lot of work ahead on them.
By now my only dream is to make one friend who's as interested in my writing as I am. I've given up all my other dreams. I've worked at this one so long without any success that it's probably about time I've given it up too, but after that I have nothing.
My goal is to someday do cinematography professionally in any field except that one certain unsavory one...
Not die. So far, so good. But, seriously, I want to be a game programmer. Or if that doesn't work, teach C(++) at the university.
I want to hold an editor-in-chief position at a publishing company. So far so good; I'm on the right track for that. Also, I have published a few articles and radio pieces, but so far no original fiction, and that is definitely a dream of mine. I would also like to be one of the first people with a radically extended life. (See: Dr Aubrey de Grey, radical life extension, and I never want to die.
I want to be a highschool English Literature teacher/author. My favorite teacher is that....he is so awesome. Z
My goals and dreams? I'd love to have my work become well-known and enjoyed by many. I'd also want to get see my ideas on the big screen one day, possibly portrayed by favorite actors. I imagine that'd be a feeling that is quite rewarding.
Lead a socialist revolution. Hopefully non-violent, but if we shoot a few fascists along the way, the world will be better off anyway! I joke, of course, but really I just want to settle down with my girl, land a steady job, probably teaching, and live a good life. And get better at brazilian jiu-jitsu, one of my few hobbies alongside writing.
My main goal would just to get my first novel and the series that follows published and be a fairly succesful writer.
play music all my life, hopefully more live shows when I get my honky band back in gear. And to live happily, have a family, enough friends to satisfy me, drink good spirits and eat home-cooked meals forever. teach and create always.
One goal was to make a living with my writing, and I'm doing that. Still left is to get the novel published that I will put in my own name. Getting there, I hope. But even it never happens, at least I nailed the first goal. I also wanted to find someone who had compatible neuroses, and I did. I married him.
My goals at the moment are to get my house all sorted in the next week and to step out of my own comfort zone and stop being so damn antisocial... the little boy across the road goes to school with my son and I'm going to invite them over to play at the end of the week. I hate being sociable though, but they are really lovely people and be a change to associate with 'normal' people who have children instead of my two friends that 'don't' have children.
I'm 14 and I find that there are too many options for me to decide on what I want to do. I have time so I don't think about it too much. Plus, I'm always changing what I like. But, I do make goals for myself and want to fit a lot in my life. It's funny that when I was 10 or so I couldn't imagine myself living another 80 years. Now it seems like time goes by to fast and I have to squeeze in all those things that are important to me. Anyways, I would like to publish a novel or two. I could see myself becoming a screenwriter or game designer too. Besides this, lately I have taken a great interest (or obsession) with music. I want to compose pieces for orchestras/bands. That would be fun.
My goal for this year was to cycle or walk the length of Great Britain, but i would like someone to go with me, but everyone i speak to thinks it will be boring. I still might do it anyway just don't have that much money and don't fancy camping on my own. For goals in general I would like to own my own boat and sail about the world. I also would like to be a producer and screenwriter, and i am currently applying to do a masters in that.
Long term, I want a family - and one that won't disintegrate. I want to marry my future wife by the time I'm 30, and I want to live through until death us do part as best friends, romantic lovers and soul mates. Career wise, I'd like to be a barrister at 23, a published and reasonably successful author by 30, by which time I also hope to be a renowned barrister operating in criminal law and civil liberties, retired from the law at 50-55, and opening a bookshop without having to worry about profits and losses, just being able to run the shop off the fruits of previous labours whilst spending my quiet time writing my next novel. I'd be nice to see the letters LLM and QC/KC after my name as well.