I'm leaving on Friday to go to California. My high school marching band is marching in the Rose Bowl Parade. I'm in the color guard (I twirl the flags), so I'll be marching as well. I won't be back until January 3rd, so I'll see you then.
I usually flip through channels watching the parades a bit. Will you do me a favour and drop your flag so I will recognize you?? You should be proud of your efforts I hear that so many try out and only a few make the cut to be in the parade. What is the high schools name. Being in Canada I have never been able to say I know someone in it Now I can say that. Congrats and have fun.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Lol. Sorry. That just made my day. Anyway, have fun in California, you turn those flags good now!
<Laughing> I love it. Enjoy California - the parts I've visited are beautiful. And getting away for a bit is a good thing too.
Best of luck Baywriter and I hope that you enjoy yourself You should definately be proud that you made it in. It is a wonderful achievement and not an easy task to do at all. Have fun and see you when you get back to the forum sweety Torana