Ok, so, I have only just recently discovered how much I love writing (1 week ago). I've written 1 short story, and have started my next. I don't claim to know alot about it all, but I know I can't stop doing it. I know that to become a better writer, it helps if you read alot too. Now, at the risk of sounding ignorant, I haven't really read much, ever. The current story i'm writing is quite fast paced, action, and graphic. I would love if you guys could point me in the right direction in the way of other books I should read that would help me with this. I really want to see how to do it right, and pick up as many tips as I can through reading others work. So, yeah, suggestions of books would be appreciated. Thanks
Peoples taste in literature vary to such a great degree that it's kind of difficult to recommend you books that you would like without knowing you personally. My recommendation is to take a day off and go to your local Barnes & Noble or library and just reading. Go to their sections that might interest you and pick up a few and start reading them. Check out some books from different genres you feel may not interest you as well. If you've never really read before then you yourself don't even know what will ultimately be your cup of tea and the only way to discover this is to start reading random books, and lots of them. Personally I grew up reading the Barsoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs which followed the great Mars adventures of John Carter. E.R.B. was also the author of the classic Tarzan series which is also a great read. Both these series are action oriented since that's what you say your interested in. They are pretty old school, though. Good luck with your adventure in reading. Caleb
I think you should read some zombie books. here is a list of books I recommend reading. https://www.writingforums.org/showthread.php?p=600803#post600803
If you want to read something extremely violent (to the point of being traumatic and highly controversial), I would recommend the Japanese novel Battle Royale, by Koushun Takami. Really, I don't know how some of Japanese can be so... graphical (Mangas and anime, I'm talking to you).
to give you suggestions, we need to know what genre you're writing in... mystery?... thriller?... horror?... teenage whatever?...
Haha, I get the feeling you like zombies? Almost every post of yours that I see has something to do with zombies. Have you seen Zombieland? (I think I already know the answer to that question)
I'd have to go with thriller and mystery. I know it's aa very genereal question, because different people will like different things, but i'll give anything a shot
Oh, I thought you were asking for novels in the action genre? Well, since you're looking for mystery/thriller, I'd suggest the all-time classic And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie. And as for thriller, I've seen many best-seller books with the name Dean Koontz on the cover, so I suppose his stories are decent enough.
I love zombieland one of the best humor horrors out there. Shaun of the Dead doesn't even come close!
I second that. Also when it comes to the mystery thriller you can't go much farther than John Grisham. I'd suggest starting with either "The Firm" or "the Runaway Jury". And now, as Monty Python would say, for something completely different. Terry Pratchett's city watch novels ("Guards, Guards", "Men at arms", "Feet of Clay", "Jingo", "The fifth Elephant", "Night Watch", "Thud" in this order) which while broadly speaking fall under the category of humorous fantasy are also cracking good murder-mystery, police procedural novels.