Hey all! I started this thread so any other fitness-minded people could share different exercises! I'll start it out with one called House of Cards. Get a full deck of cards with Jokers intact. Assign 4 different exercises to each suit (push-ups, sit ups, squats, diamond push ups, lunges, ect.) Then assign an extra exercise for the Jokers. Pull a card and do reps corresponding to the suit and number. Face cards are worth 11, Aces 15, and Jokers 50. Go through as many cards as you want, but we do the whole deck!
Huh, I've never heard of that method before, but I think I'll try it! My favourite strength exercise by far was taught to me back when I was still training in MMA. Sensei would ask us to warm up and cool down with an exercise called 21. 0 push ups, 21 situps 1 push up, 20 situps 2 push ups, 19 situps Continue until you reach 21 pushups, 0 situps. If I want to incorporate cardio, I sometimes run a flight of stairs up and down in between situps and pushups, just to keep my heart racing. Not exactly a 'fun' exercise, but it's most certainly effective and keeps your mind from wandering.
The benefit of House of Cards in its many guises is that it is a constantly changing and random set up. Shuffle the cards well for best effect! The body quickly adjusts to the exertion one throws at it which is quite often why people become frustrated with the who gym routine. They don't change up their routine to keep the body challenged and they stop seeing new results.
Both of those sound fun! It's nothing special, but an exercise I really like doing leg raises with someone standing by your head, pushing your legs back down each time you raise them.
I like pyramid sets, start with your 10rm and doa set. then one st at your 5 rm, finish with a single set at your 1rm.
That's the second problem. The first is that people are doing the exercises wrong. They think that they're doing it well, but they aren't. And if you hear them saying the words "Well, it's the same anyway," then they probably have to start from quite lower kgs. Man against ego ("Oh look how much I can lift!"), that's the thing. There's an useful exercise called 55. There's no pause in this thing and the goal is this. You start with one push up, then immediately do the better version of a situp(instead of simply standing up, you jump as well). Then do two push ups, then 2 sit ups, then 3 push ups, then 3 sit ups (or well, the improved version whose name I do not know), and like that until you reach 10 of both. Do that, then wait a bit and repeat. The thing with this is that you don't get a break, none at all while doing this. Ofc, I ain't that strong, so if you think that's little for you, you could continue until 15 or 20.