After the weekend I will be home in my house and with my kids and totally there for the birth of my fourth Nipper Son. I so want to shout aloud to the world.
Isn't that really supposed to be bad news? Heh, sorry, I couldn't resist. Welcome back, and congrats!
Ooh well i guess its good to have you back Hulls! Its swell that you will get to see the birth of your son! Congrats!
It's taken me a while to reply, as usual, but welcome back! Its great to have you around and, as i'm sure you can see, we've missed you!
i can't tell you how relieved i am that you got out and home!... but i hope the reason isn't what i feared... or, if it is, that it's minimal, if you catch my drift... you made an old lady cry, simon!... with despair and sorrow for those victims and with relief and joy that you no longer have to be a part of the horror... lots of love and too many hugs to count, maia ps: when are you starting your book about why war is not the answer? ;-)
Welcome back. I'm glad you'll be home soon, for a well deserved rest. Any tales you'd care to share with us?
Hey! WELCOME BACK! And congrats on the impending birth of your child! Yay! I would crack open a beer for you but you English guys like it warm!
Guinness Stout is best at room temperature. It brings out the flavor. When it's chilled, the bitterness dominates and you lose much of the aroma. But I do prefer most of my beers frosty cold, especially in the summertime.
welcome back Raven hope to catch up when I get back online. (By the way can you sort out the poetry and short story contests for me as I have no time thanks ) Torana
Noticed you had gotten back, but didn't see the board. Welcome back lovely! Congratulations on the baby!