Hi, my name is B.C. Brown. I'm new to the forum and stopping by for a quickie...introduction, that is! I've been writing since a very early age, and my preferred genres are...well, any and all, I suppose. Thus far I have dabbled in fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and mystery. I am currently attempting a children's or YA-based story, but it does not seem to be my niche. I am self published and am currently looking at other publishing venues (everything from e-pubbing to traditional pubbing). Heavily active in my local writer's guild, I spend most of my life between the pages of a book - whether or not I've written them. I'm hoping to learn a great deal, develop myself as a writer and as a marketing individual, from this site but also to contribute to it as well. I maintain a blog and website where I frequently have instructional advice to writers (newbie and old-hand) and information about writing in general (contests, source material, etc.). I'm sure I'll learn a great deal from this forum and its contributors! B.C. Brown Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia. ~E.L. Doctorow