There is little better on a stormy morning than a good book and a good pipe. Recently picked up a tobacco blend from Britain, and my third blend from Mac Baren in Denmark. Both are excellent. For a new world plant, these old world tobacconists sure know their trade. Anyone else enjoy pipes?
I like my pipes to delver hot and cold warter to my showerhead without strange noises or bits of rust. I used to smoke a pipe, about three decades ago. I was amazed at how much better I felt after giving it up.
Pipe smoking leads to oral cancers, cigarettes lead to lung cancer. Or you may get lucky and only cop the halitosis.
People need to lighten up! Yeah, pipes can lead to cancer. So could holding a cellphone against your face, standing in front of your microwave or drinking out of the wrong sort of bottle. I remember an interesting study done by the Surgeon General of the US back in the 70s or something, where it was discovered that moderate pipe smokers actually lived, on average, a few years longer than the average shmuck. Everything in moderation. I enjoy some good pipe tobacco every now and then. Though not too often, nor in public, simply because I'm too young and too clean shaven to be able to sport a pipe with any degree of credibility.
Doesn't contribute to the discussion, but thanks. I prefer scotch to brandy, but yes Yeah, I wonder if I should now invest in a tweed coat.
I used to smoke a pipe long ago. I loved the image - pipe in one hand, brandy snifter or glass of fine whisky in the other. I smoked for a few months, but then realized that whenever I smoked a pipe and drank brandy or whisky at the same time, I got nauseous. I still love the image of the pipe smoker, though. And when I was smoking, I found that I could do very little else, which meant that if I was smoking, I was thinking - it really helped focus my thoughts and keep me at my desk. So that was good for sustained creativity. But it's a messy habit and makes everything smell. So I gave it up 25 years ago.
Drinking leads to liver failure, driving leads to accidents, swimming leads to drowning, eating leads to choking, rugby leads to broken necks, bike riding..... you get the idea? Don't smoke and I hate the smell of cigarettes, but love the smell of pipe tobacco.
Sorry, should have said: pipe smoking and cigarettes VERY OFTEN lead to cancer, but ALWAYS lead to halitosis, even if you only do it sometimes, and added: drinking to excess leads to liver failure, driving without due care and attention often leads to accidents, NOT LEARNING HOW to swim leads to drowning much more often than swimming, eating and rugby playing rarely leads to death... But I didn't want to go off topic.
Although I am no fan of tobacco use, and the unnecessary human tragedy it produces, this thread should not turn into a debate on the hazards of smoking. Adults are entitled to choose whether they will accept the risks. They are not even required to be knowledgeabvle about those risks. The topic of this thread is each person's choice, and whether those who choose to relax with a pipeful of tobacco find it relaxing.
Thanks, Cogito. I assumed at least one mother hen would show up to take the thread off topic. Glad we are not going down that path. @evelon - yes, the smell is nice. All of the different aromas make trying a new blend a lot of fun.
I don't smoke myself (don't plan to), but I think smoking from a pipe is better than smoking from a cigarette or cigar. It...just looks more formal than a cigarette or cigar. :] Plus, you don't have to worry about tobacco spilling out of a pipe when you wave it around as you educate the young students with your vast knowledge of literature. XD
Exactly! You can also tap a person's shoulder with the stem of your pipe without fear of putting tobacco on said person. You can also lightly tap the smoking end of the pipe on a person's head to get their attention if they're doing something else. (like if they're reading some magazine while you're trying to lecture on Greek history, just bop them on the head) Damn...I should go make one of my characters a pipe smoker now.