Hello all, I am Ronnie and I would like to introduce myself to the community. I've always been interested in writing, being an avid reader also. I consider myself a creative person. I've been making stories and "pretend-games" all my life. I also like to draw and to create handmade jewelry and accessories. As a teen, I wrote poetry and short stories. My poems got published in some local journals, but I wasn't serious about poetry. When I was in high school, I wrote three short stories (more like psychological insights actually) and got a mention in a writing contest. Writing was always an important part of my life. Besides poetry and short stories, I tried my hand in novels, but never got to the end of them. I must have started about a dozen novels by now, finishing not single one. At the beginning of each one, I felt the stories with intensity, but I didn't get organized and lost the feeling for the narration. I think I forgot what was that special thing I was writing about and wanted to share with the readers. I say "feel the stories" because that's what I do. I always get the impression that the stories come to me - I do not invent them, I feel them. For example, my latest novel came in a dream. But this time I got organized and I sketched the story the next morning, plot and intrigue, chapter synopsis and all. This time I'm decided to fill in the blanks. So, here I am, searching for similar experiences and advice. I would like to excuse myself for the occasional SPaG errors. I am not a native English speaker. I live in Romania so feel free to ask questions if you're interested in Romanian history or facts (I say that up-start because when people learn that I'm Romanian, I always get asked about Dracula and vampires). Thanks everyone for your attention. Have a nice weekend!
Nice to meet you, Ronnie. Welcome to the forum! Do you prefer to write in English or Romanian, or do you write in both? Here's our New Member Quick Start to get you started. Hope to see you around! -Kat
Hello, Kat, Thank you for your welcome message. To answer your question: I prefer Romanian, since I master its expressions, metaphors and synonyms. But my latest novel is in English. And I think that is precisely why this time I might just finish my novel. At least, that's how I feel. This time I get to tell the story without worrying of the style and without the long, detailed and exuberant descriptions I'm used to do. Me not being able to finish any novels was, in part, because I used to get tangled in too many unimportant details, loosing sight of the story itself. But now, I am writing the story in plain language. Then, after the storytelling, I intend to cleanse it, add some details and descriptions, try to improve on the style/word choices. Then probably I will rewrite it in Romanian. That's my plan. We will just have to wait and see... Have a nice day!
Welcome to the forum. Don't get overwhelmed by all the stuff going on, just check out bits and pieces as you go and you'll find a boatload of information and helpful techniques from some of the people on here that really know what they are doing!
Thank you. I've already read many threads from the forum and I find the info and the experiences shared to be very useful. I'so happy for the ones who made it (got published) and I hope to learn a lot from them.