Hello, everyone! I'm 21, male, unemployed at the moment. I wasn't much of a reader as a kid but got into books in high school. Mostly(but not exclusively) reading horror and other speculative fiction(H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur C. Clarke, Kurt Vonnegut, Jose Saramago just to name a few). I tend to be perhaps too critical of my own work and have deleted several short stories from my computer. I feel I have a lot of great ideas in my head, but can't seem to write them down the way they are in my mind. That is one of the main reasons I joined; to find out if others had the same issue and how they overcame it. I have never published anything or even told anyone I'm into writing. I somehow have this fear of being ridiculed. I'm working on short stories for now, but would love to write a film script someday as I'm also very much into films and have some ideas which would work better on the screen. I have written stuff in both Finnish and English, but lately mostly in English.
I have the same problem, I am very critical of myself, but who isn't? I have written so much, but I delete all of them, so it's like having all these years of memories with no photos to show (looking back it's like, yeah I was goofy, but it was still fun). When I have a story line in my head, it comes out like a movie, I see it in my head with vivid pictures, so writing that into words is hard for me sometimes. I used to be very secretive about my writing, my drawing, and my singing. But eventually you just have to show other people. There are very few people who still care about writing (I guess it involves your group of friends) so you have to find someone that is also into your artistic genre to really have a good outcome from it. I've tried to show my boyfriend my writing, and he's just like "You want me to read this?". But then my cousin moved in with us, and he's very artistic. I've been more open showing my drawings and such to him because I know that he will tell me what he thinks, not just what I want to hear.